Sherrardk - the only time you may get an upset stomach with glandular fever, is if the Doc has put you on antibiotics. I've had glandular fever and it mostly consisted of headache, sore throat and feel lethargic for weeks.
Hi Den - I had it two years ago and was wondering if what I've got/had was Glandular Fever again. Wondered if I had an upset stomach as I am not eating much (I've lost loads of weight).
Den, wish I had your type of glandular fever. Mine consisted of strings of black mucus that stretched from my tonsils down into my stomach... most revolting......
You can have enlarged liver and spleen with Glandular Fever which would cause tenderness in the abdomen. Also, if you've been taking too many NSAIDS (ibuprofen or suchlike) to kill the pain of a sore throat, you could cause your stomach to be inflamed.
Thanks for that NoM - seem to be over it now (whtever it was) - was ill for ages when I had Glandlar Fever. Have lost a shed load of weight though which I need to put back on.
I had glandular fever in 1999 and a recurring bout a couple of years later. By god, I was ill !!
I had jaundice and a thick curtain of white mucus which completely coated my throat. I was unable to talk for several days and the ex said it was the best 3 days of his life !