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My friend Anne...

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Lie-in King | 14:02 Sun 31st Oct 2010 | Health & Fitness
17 Answers

Had to tell those of you that followed my threads about my friend Anne, her cancers & subsequent treatment - I’ve just spoken to her & she’s been diagnosed as having -

“No evidence of residual or recurrent metabolically active disease.”

She’s clear! Ok, she needs to take the drugs that prevent the production of oestrogen for the foreseeable future, but is used to them now.

I trust you’ll understand if I say that I hope I NEVER have to post anything about Anne again!!

With large V & T in hand, I'll repeat myself - YAY!! :-))))


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That's great news LIK - and as you say YAY!!!! Think I might join you with a glass of red.
I missed it all, Lie-in King.. but what great news. I am pleased for her, and for you, the happy friend! :o)
Question Author
Cheers JJ! I've a stupidly big smile on my face right now...
Great news lie-in-king, I am very pleased for her.
Brilliant news LiK.
Well - I don't even know her and so have I. :-))) It's brilliant news.
What a blessed relief for all concerned :o)

Whoop, whoop !
Brilliant news LIK. Enjoy your VAT.
Good News....such worrying times :-) Well done Anne..
Oh Maj, that is marvellous news it will have me Purrrrring all day, please as always pass on my kind regards to Anne.

Mamya ♥
That's great news. I hope one day we win the war against that cruel disease.
pleased for your friend Lie in King - and you!
Question Author
Sorry for not replying sooner, everyone - been on the phone spreading the news.

Thank you all for your kind messages - I'll show them to Anne when I see her on Wednesday.

From us both - :-)) x ♥
Oh Lie-in king,that is brilliant.
Just seen this post, your Maj.

I'm just so happy for you (and Anne , of course)
That is just the best news ever.
((((((LIK and Anne)))))
Hugs to you both. You've made my day.
thats very good news l-i-k. But isn´t the human body a mystery still??
my brothers 82 year old father in law, was riddled with cancer and we thought he had weeks to live. then he turned a corner as it were, responded to chemo, and now is virtually cancer free!!!
Excellent news LiK, I'm delighted for Anne and what a relief for you as well xxx

(sorry I missed you all on Sunday night x)

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