Cold feet in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Cold feet

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tiggerblue10 | 09:44 Sat 08th Jan 2011 | Body & Soul
37 Answers
Last night I went to bed around 2am but I was so cold I couldn't sleep. It took until about 5am for my feet to warm up even though I had a thick duvet and several more coverings on my feet area. I don't like wearing socks in bed but I did, however this made no difference. I've tried in the past to use a hot water bottle but this just makes my feet sweaty and doesn't even warm them up so they are cold and sweaty!

Is this a bad circulation problem? Anyone got any tips on keeping tootsies warm please?

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Electric blanket. Turn it on about an hour before you go to bed. I turn mine off when I get into bed. Nice and warm...and very cheap to run.
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I use to have one of those but its a small one that goes under the bed sheet. Maybe I should invest in one that goes over me. Thanks Ummmm :o)
Try a hot water bootle with a furry cover - it doesn't burn your feet and it will stay hot for ages
Mines a small one that goes under the bedsheet. Didn't know they made any others. Just position it at the end of the bed.
Have you got 'proper' bedsocks ?

I find ordinary day to day socks are bothersome but bedsocks do the job just nicely.
A partner with a BIG WARM BUM helps !!!!!!
To put your feet on... of course......
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a hot toddy type drink before bed. If you don't want alcohol (small amount) then try ginger tea or hot chocolate with nutmeg and or cinnamon. this will dilate the blood vessels and temporarily improve circulation to the feet. You can also rub your feet over with a rough towel or soft brush to temporarily stimulate circulation.
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Thats what I've got Puzzled but it still makes my feet sweaty.

I'm sure they do overblankets as well as underblankets Ummmm. The one I've got is a bot grubby now as I've had it for years and I don't think you can wash them.

The ones I've got are like totes toastie JTH. My mum got them for me for Xmas.
I use a hot water bottle with a cover & it does stay warm for hours.
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A partner with a big warm bum? He lives miles away so the warm bum isn't here that often Murreym.

I'll try that Woof. I don't drink alcohol (wellnot at the moment anyway) but I've got plenty of the other variety of malt.
Mine are fairly loose old-fashioned looking ones.........I find that come the morning I have taken off anything more constricting.
if socks and hot water bottles don't work, then it does sound like a circulation problem. Try to keep your feet warm during the day before you get to bed - two pairs of socks, slippers, I've even got microwaveable slippers and they do help. But this might be worth checking with your GP.
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Ooo microwaveable slippers! That sounds perfect. I usually have a soak in the bath before I go to bed which normally warms them up and they stay warm when I get into bed but last night I didn't as it was getting to late.

My fingers and nose are also prone to freezing. I've seen my finger nails go purple before.
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Sounds good Pixi. The only trouble with that for me would be the feeling of restrictedness.
Isn't a cold nose a sign of good health?
defo sounds like poor circulation...what does your doctor say?
^Only for thems with a leg at each orner and a tail, Mrs O . :o)

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