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Sad news

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rowanwitch | 08:18 Mon 21st Mar 2011 | Body & Soul
91 Answers
Sylvia (Mrs Welshyorkie) passed away at 0636 this morning

She had fought so hard and it seems very unfair that despite this a donor wasn't found in time

So Julian when you feel up to reading this all I can say is my thoughts are with you and your family right now



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My condolences to all. Focus on those lovely happy memories you had with her and it will help, a little.........
I am so sorry to hear this as Sylvia held on for so long. Please pass my condolences to Julian Rowan and thanks for letting us know. xxxx
So sorry to hear this news. Just shows how much it means for people to become donars as I am. I dont mind what bits they use if they are of use to someone.

My prayers are with them :>(
I'd like to join with the other Abers in expressing my sympathy.
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No Person is Ever Truly Alone
by Richard Fife

No person is ever truly alone.
Those who live no more,
Whom we loved,
Echo still within our thoughts,
Our words, our hearts.
And what they did
And who they were
Becomes a part of all that we are,

My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this sad time.
May I offer my sincerest condolences to Welshyorkie and his family.
Please accept my sincere condolences x
My sincerest sympathies to Welshyorkie and his family at this sad time.
well this is so sad.what determination sylvia must have had to " hold on " so long, i hope her family take some comfort in the fact that we on ab,are truley very sad. rowan . thank you for keeping us posted...... may i just point out that the " team " who were looking after sylvia dont have the luxury of showing their grief in public, but im sure they will feel so sorry at the outcome for sylvia.,, best wishes to all the family....... anne
My sincerest condolences and thoughts are wth you, and all yours, welshyorkie.

I'm so sorry for your loss and send you all our love.

yogi and all the family xxx
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To Julian an Family, I am so very sorry to read of Sylvia's passing, RIP.
My thoughts and prayers are with you still.
When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. So sorry to hear this news. My thoughts are with the whole family at this sad time.
Thinking of you and yours, Julian.

Sincerest condolences.
truly devastating news, my sincerest condolences at the very sad time to you julian xxx
I really am so sorry to read this and I would like to pass on my heartfelt condolences to you.
My condolences to Julian and family. Very sad news. xx
So sad.

My love is with you at such a sad time <3
Thinking of you and your family Julian. So sad to hear this news today.

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