Loads! In the farmhouse my parents still live in, part of it was destroyed by fire in 1803. My bedroom was in the renovated part and I used to see the milky white outline of a maid, she used to stand facing the wall, her arm moving backwards and forwards. It took me a time to understand that she must have been stoking the fire - it would have been where the old fire place was! My gran and my mother used to see her too, in the 'nursery' or she'd walk through the kitchen wall into the 'dairy' or cold room where the butter was made.
The last ghost i saw looked totally human, and I told the story on here. It was last May, i'd been down to Devon to the farming show, and I'd driven through the gate at home and I'd stopped to go back and close it. Walking up the lane was an old man I'd known all my life - a man who used to have an ironmongers shop - a real old fashoined place that used to sell screws and nails by the 1/4lb! Anyway i said hello, he did as always, touched his cap and gave a little wave. I thought no more about it until a few nights later when I was talking to my brother he said, 'oh, over a hundred people turned out for the funeral', so i said who's funeral, he said Old Tommo who ued to keep the ironmongers - i said oh shame, i was only said helo to him last thursday - my brother said, you'd of had a job, he's been in hospital for 5 months with pancreatic cancer.........