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Pulminary ........?

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milly143 | 09:02 Wed 06th Apr 2011 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
Can someone help me out. Is there a condition/disease called pulminary ....something.... that affects the lungs?

If so, can you tell me a little about it?


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Pulmonary is an adjective meaning relating to the lungs, so there are several conditions with pulmonary as a description
here are a few options

pulmonary vein
pulmonary valve
pulmonary artery
pulmonary phthisis
pulmonary stenosis
pulmonary emphysema
pulmonary tuberculosis
pulmonary insufficiency
There are several diseases with "pulmonary" in their name. Never heard of "pulminary".
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?
Question Author
Oh right. Thanks and sorry.
2 common ones.

Pulmonary fibrosis
Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive disease.

In diseases of the lung, Pulmonary is used as a noun.
Question Author
OK. Thanks. I had heard of the word before, I just didn't reaslise what it meant.
pulmonary thrombosis
pulmonary thrombosis
Question Author
Thanks, but there is very little point in my trying to guess which of those it could be.

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Pulminary ........?

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