@Kryptic..."Blimey, never expected this response. I only asked a simple question.
OK guys, yes, this is relating to me.
I love my missus with all my heart and would NEVER look elswhere (if push comes to shove, ive always got my right hand and my imagination,...)
But I miss that clossenes. And thats what I cant understand.
Doesnt SHE miss that closness as well? "
Blimey....i could have written this, it's a very difficult situation I'm going through the same thing. I suspect my oh is more menopausal than she wants to let on but it doesn't stop how I feel but the only way I can deal with it is to keep my distance a lot of the time, which in turn makes her feel rejected but she can't or won't understand the way I feel. Hope you find a solution soon mate...so do I!!!