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Pregnant after misscarriage?!?!

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lsharp | 11:44 Tue 14th Jun 2011 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
Hi everyone
Iv just found out im pregnant again 4 weeks after my misscarriage i had very sore breasts a few days ago this is the reason for doin 3 tests, which all said positive im a bit worried though as i am having no symptons at all now nothing at all and im worried i will miscarry again as this is what happened last time any help would be greatful :)


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First of all, congratulations!

I had a miscarriage in June last year, and fell pregnant again within 6 weeks. I was a nervous wreck until I was past the same point when I lost the first baby so can totally understand how you feel.

To be honest, nothing anyone can say will make you worry any less. But I can happily report that I now have a beautiful perfect...
11:52 Tue 14th Jun 2011
hi. what symptoms are you expecting when you will only have been pregnant for 2 weeks?
Worrying (or lack of worrying) does not, unfortunately, affect any outcome you might have
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when i was pregnant with my first i had symptons from 2 weeks to 9 months
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hiya, every pregnancy is different - no symptoms dosen't mean no pregnancy
First of all congratulations! Take proper consultation from your doc and follow all the instruction he/she give you for a successful motherhood.

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Pregnant after misscarriage?!?!

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