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weird bit of skin

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Smiley | 18:17 Wed 06th Apr 2005 | Body & Soul
4 Answers

Inside my mouth, on the inside of my cheek, near the top, next to the back teeth they is this little lump of sticking out skin or something. Apparently everyone has them, but what do they do? Mine has become sore, inflamed and really stinging, probably because of the mumps. what can I do to stop it hurting?



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it sounds like a saliva gland. Otherwise might just be a random bit of skin pushed into a lump by the teeth

All I can think of is using Bonjela. And try to keep your tongue away from it! The mouth usually heals up very quickly so if it is still hurting the same in a few days and you're better from the mumps go see the doc.
Obviously if it is sore and inflamed you should get it checked out by a doc, but I think that you might have a blocked or inflamed salivary gland. Wash your mouth out with hot salty water (not too hot and DON'T swallow it) wnhich can help and won't harm and go see the doc.
cross post morg_monster!!
great minds... ! woofgang your instructions to not swallow the hot salty water made me retch :-P gross... sorry.

Smiley - was just thinking - mumps is by definition an infection of the salivary glands. So it is almost certainly a side effect of that and probably nothing to worry unduly about. But as we both said if it doesn't get better see your GP

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weird bit of skin

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