The KM Links Game - August week 4 results in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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The KM Links Game - August week 4 results

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seekeerz | 02:18 Mon 29th Aug 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Good morning everyone -grey and damp here today but Spring's definitely not far away - sneezin' season !!

Not quite the same avalanche of points this week but enough to make the final outcome very interesting - matches were likewise, just getting all of them together was something else - they were

Paris Green
Otter Hound
Lime Scale
Icing Sugar

And the STAR TURNS came from OWLLADY, JEAN G, and MRS E, all of whom scored 6 points for 3 correct matches ...well done, ladies !!

What with holidays etc, keeping track of everyone popping in and out has been a challenge but I think you're all on the Leader Board, one way or another and with Winter coming on, time to perhaps hibernate in front of the computer .... maybe ???

All in all a good month, scoring-wise, the Free Fall Club is almost empty and those remaining are in very good company, and next week sees the start of a brand new contest so sharpen up your reflexes for that one !!

The Leader Board follows, so Congratulations to all and I shall see you same time, same place on Saturday, till then have a good week, cheers skz
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Unfortunately, centrino, who had maintained his lead throughout the month with consistent 6 point scores each week, fell at the last and was quickly overtaken by a fast-finishing lady .... read on


22 points - MRS E

19 points - centrino

16 points - angler

14 points - tearinghair

13 points - beejay1124, roslyn251254, chriss & seekeerz

11 points - cliffyg, bryher, owllady, & london_lassy

10 points - tyrepill, rockfordill, deecee131, Jean G, Muzz, twix123 & badwoman

9 points - kawakiri, Prescott, HandBagLady & nabob

8 points - lysander, devadiva, keyboardix, ShazzaH & Rose's No1 Offspring

7 points - Mr A, grannydi, KINGSWOOD90, x-ray, cpfcrosie, & paulineward

6 points - jobjockey, wickedtongue, Gill G, middlestump, jillywhiskas & sandwich

5 points - mirandasmum, slaney, patchett, Brenden, Christiana, & joto

4 points - albaqwerty, Aquagility, Mrs O, Jools, Euphemia, brizzer & LaneyB

3 points - Elspeth, gen2, barb7771, teacher1, Mr O, cupid04, Chiefpanda, stevie, Reg & John

2 points - boxtops, ulysses100, Manxiemo, ChrisH, Rose Maybud, &

1 point - ladyalex, eccles, sibton, sackville & To-Ryscum

So there you have it, Very Well Done to all, lots of points scored and we like it that way .... see you soon, Steff
Thanks seekeerz - I am glad to see I am quite well up the leaderboard this month (husband entered for me this weekend, as I was on hoilday in Spain, and got confused with the word length here & on MM links!). I would have gone for otterHOUND but not to worry, there's always next month!
Many thanks, seekerz, and well done to all scorers particularly Mrs E. I think August must suit my brain cell(s) - perhaps it's the sun (sun? what's that?).
Thank you seekz.

Tearinghair, the sun is what the rain warm :)
Thanks Steff, at least I was constant this month - 1 point each week. :-) As for Jim.........well freefall club for him with Nil Ppoint this month. Well done to the scorers espesially Mrs E. See you all next week.
Hmmm... over 400 points scored and not a one for me. Ah, well.

Congrats to the phenomenal Mrs E, commiserations to Centrino and well done to all other scorers.

Thanks to Steff.
I'm really surprised and very pleased I managed Nine points this month. Well done everyone.
Thanks, Steff. And well done all the stars. I was AWOL for one of the four weeks, but that doesn't excuse my miserable showing. Must try harder!

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The KM Links Game - August week 4 results

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