Is there any way to avoid getting the horrors after drinking? Usually if i get on it on Friday and Saturday, but don't have a drink on Sunday, I can guarantee I will wake up in the middle of the night sweating and really depressed. Then I go back to sleep and feel fine the next day. If I enjoy a bottle of wine on Sunday, then it seems to help, but I'm trying to find an alternative that doesn't involve booze. Any one else have this and knows what to do? I think I'm getting old, cause this only started happening about 2 years ago.
I am 30. I said that I don't usually have black outs. If I move onto the gin probably 4 or 5 large shots. The thing is that I know i drink a lot, but I genuinely enjoy drinking. I don't buy cheap crap just to get me drunk, but good wine, gin and nice ales. Its the flavour that I enjoy, I just happen to have a good appetite for it and a good tolerance. The thought of going tee total is worse than the horrors. And i am being serious.
I wish this was a wind up mungbeanz and that you're not really drinking this much. Sadly though, I think you are.
You will die young I'm afraid and you will be told that you have damaged your liver beyond it's ability to heal itself. By that time it will be too late to do anything about it. You will leave your family too young just like my husband did.
"The thought of being teetotal is worse than the horrors. And I'm serious".... Is the thought of being dead worse too?
You WILL get liver damage if you keep on drinking at this level. It's not like smoking which Might kill you, too much alcohol is a poison which the body cannot handle in great quantities and it Will kill you.
Sorry about this rant but having been bereaved as a result of my husband saying exactly the same things that you are saying, I feel so strongly about this.
mungbeanz - you know you have a problem, and top marks to you for recognising it. Go get some help, your GP can help. Not only are you doing yourself serious internal damage, it must be costing you a fortune too.