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indian | 22:36 Sun 24th Apr 2005 | Body & Soul
19 Answers
Afew days ago i went to see my doctor. He was going through my medications to see what i was taking. He saw i was on anti-depressents, asked me if i was st5ill depressed and laughed! I was so shocked i didn't respond (wish i had done). Has any1 else had those moments where you can't believe what sum1s just said or done?


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Also at the doctors, years ago when I said I felt depressed and started to cry - he said abruptly "eat more fruit" and I left.  I was shocked but I honestly think it was the best thing to do with me at the time - no pills and pandering and I was fine.
Yes indian, I saw a GP because I was very short of breath and was offered anti-depressants.  I saw another GP and was sent to hospital with fluid on the lungs.  I still can't work out why I was offered pills in the first place.

A few years back after I'd not long lost Dad, then Mum, I went to the doc's as I was feeling really low. The doc didn't give me anything for my 'blues' & told me to go back & see him if I still felt the same in a month!

I did go back, but for pains in my neck & back. I walked in, sat down & he proceeded to look at my notes. He looked up, gently kicked my foot & said "So, you're still around then, you didn't top yourself?". I was so stunned, but saw the funny side of it. It wasn't a very professional thing for him to say, but it did make me laugh!

not a doctor, an estate agent. We were in the final stage of moving when it all started to go a bit pear-shaped. We were living out of boxes, my mum had just suffered a stroke and I  had a phone call  from our vendor, very irate and ready to pull out it we didn't have a date for completion. I rang our estate agent to try to find out what was happening and he  told me (very patronizingly) to go and watch some telly and take my mind off it! It only dawned on me later what he'd said. Could be because I'm a woman? Can't imagine him telling my husband that.

Oh yes!  Last year I was having a grumble to a friend, you know the way you sometimes do, about having a lot to do & not enough energy to do it. 'You should try looking after a family' was the reply. Excuse me!!What??!!   I calmly reminded her that I'd done just that for 23 years, as good as by myself  ( I was married for 11 of those yrs but had no help from my husband whatsoever - how dumb was I?).   

A young doctor, while examining me,  very tactfully -not - said,  'Have you always been skinny?'  I really wish I'd said 'Have you always been arrogant?'

these unfortunately are a daily occurance, the world is awash with insensitive frank drebins
We had a young gp at our surgery a few years ago and at the time I was being treated for anxiety/panic after losing both my parents. I had the misfortune to have to see him on day as my usual GP was away. He sat behind his desk,listened to my ramblings whilst he drank a can of cola then said " Oh stop feeling sorry for yourself,If I was your husband I would have left you years ago" I went home,complete breakdown! He left his wife but Im still with my lovely hubby. This Gp became a pharmaceutical salesman!

Indian, I'm sorry about your depression, I hope it gets better.
There's an ombudsman for this kind of thing.

However, I think we're all forgetting here that GPs are in fact a form of Higher Power involved in the ongoing creation of the Universe...

Years ago my doctor told me 'everyone has rainy days and sunny days'. I cried in the street outside the office for an hour afterwards - obviously a rainy day... 

To be devils advocate, maybe your doctor was laughing at how anti-depressants weren't working - has he suggested/referred you for therapy? this may help too, and (tragically!) i have started cross-stitching - it does work you know... can't think too much while you are doing something.

btw i did then have a lovely doctor who took me very seriously and tried lots of different options. Change your doctor!

Good luck x x x

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Like Tetherend,  I was treated for anxiety and depression for shortness of breath which was gradually getting worse.  I took anti depressants and was also sent to a counsellor.  It turned out I had Pigeon Fanciers Lung (a severe allergy to some types of birds - in my case my **********) and I ended up with a collapsed lung a lung biopsy and permanently damaged lungs.  I was depressed about it all, so the tablets helped in the end!

When my son was about 5 months old, he was very feverish and in a lot of pain and we suspected an ear infection as his ear smelled odd and was very waxy.
We called our doctor who was unavailable and had to speak to a different one who told us, without even seeing him that it was colic and we should give him some brandy. I was horrified.

My son, at 17, after months of trying to persuade him to see a doctor for his severe anxiety and depression, was more or less told to go away as most students felt like this at exam time.  He has never worried about an exam in his life!  The evening before he saw this particular doctor he had had to been seen as an emergency for a panic attack with severe chest pains.

It wasn't our own GP, thank goodness.  My own doctor saw him later that day and spent an hour with him.

the automatic editor didn't like c0ckateils!
Aaaaaah. I was wondering what the heck sort of bird you had fp!
Well I used to have a real fear of death and went to counselling regarding this..I told the counsellor my fear and she asked " Do you ever feel suicidal " lololol was very funny !!!
sass, I think it bad enough that posters like you make people laugh when alone, but I actually have tears in my eyes and cannot type properly. OMG that is hilarious.
still laughing. ah, the true ones are the best

my answer was banned. how do you find out why?

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