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slinky.kate | 16:09 Wed 23rd Nov 2011 | Body & Soul
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do you get an anaesthetic if you get them done at the same time


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squad -the colonoscopy is the lower region and the endoscopy is for the gullet,i have to sign 2 differant consent forms
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new victoria hospital
"endoscopy" just means looking into the body with an endoscope kate, it dosen't refer to any particular end! Gastroscopy id endoscopy fro the top in to the stomach, colonoscopy is having endoscopy from the bottom into the colon
usually sedation
Slnky....endoscopy just means "sticking it up somewhere" only becomes meaningful when you know where it is going to be "plunged"

Back passage....colon.....oscopy

and so on and so forth.
I was just about to have my dinner as well....don't feel too hungry now..
your spelling is appalling sqad!
bednobs....LOL...yes I know.LOL

To be fair, my spelling is GOOG, but my typing is CR@P.
GOOG....there i go again....GOOD.
Good luck kate. I've had a colonoscopy -the worst thing about it was the lack of food (and the getting rid of same). The procedure itself is ok - you get to watch it on telly - a bit like 'Journey to the centre of the earth'. I think I was given diazepam - after a few minutes I couldn't have cared less.
I had them both done one right after the other (down first then up).

I had a light sedation and was awake throughout. Thought I could distract myself by seeing if I could see it on the monitors but they took my glasses off me so couldn't see sod all.

It was ok, bit uncomfortable. Best thing is to try to relax (hence why sedation helps). I threw up a number of times afterwards but think it
Argh, sorry...

...was just my gag reflex in after the camera down. Don't organise anything during the "prep" time and make sure you are near a loo. I had booked a bloods apt at the rhumatology centre in the same hospital that morning and had to ring and cancel, they found it really funny I'd understimated the effects :)
I've had them both (seperately) in the last two weeks. The gastroscopy, which I've had before, I demanded sedation for as I find it so unpleasant. Then the colonoscopy - as people have said here the preparation is the worst bit. Two sorts of medicine, the first I had (twice) tasted not bad, but the last one wasn't nice. And the staying near the bathroom bit is vital! They said I'd sleep through it, but I dozed off, then woke up to see it all on the screen and fell asleep later. Bit uncomfortable but not too bad. If I had to have both together I really hope I would be asleep for it all.
I've had a gastroscopy and a colonoscopy , but not at the same time.
Colonoscopy I had sedation but frankly doubted they had given me anything as I felt totally alert throughout. Undignified , occasionally a little uncomfortable but not too bad was my verdict on it. (Worst bit was forcing down the stuff you have to drink to clear yourself out the day before.)
Gastroscopy was another matter. I was given the option of a sedative or not for that and foolishly opted not to be sedated. I was given an anaesthetic spray forthe back of my throat. I found the procedure horrible...gagging, burping back up the air they blew down, yuck...would definitely have the sedation next time and would definitely advise anyone else to have it too.
Good luck when you have it all done, Kate. :-))
I've had them both done but not on same day. Chose to have no sedation for either its a little uncomfortable but is over in approx 15 - 20 mins and then went home staight away well better than having to stay there for hours
'Plunged' Sqad? Really .. Purleassse! There are ladies present : )
I've had both procedures and was given a choice! I chose a local for the endoscopy as I didn't want to miss what was going on! However for the colonoscopy I was partially sedated and kind of drifted off after the discomfort eased part way through! ;-(
I've had both and was sedated both times, but the bit that makes me laugh is when you are in the ward and patients are sleeping, its' a laugh to hear who farts the longest and loudest.
The endoscopy is a walk in the park, its the emptying of the Colon and drinking 4 ltrs of laxative the day before is the part that's not so much fun :(

I remember it well!!
I have had two endoscopies (Gastroscopy) both of which were bad experiences mainly caused by the doctor, which still give me nightmares and have given me a choking phobia. The first in 1983 was conducted as a trial that morning using no anaesthetic just a throat spray. Unfortunately the doctor put the tube down my windpipe instead of my gullet and had to start again apologising most perfusely that it was completely his fault! I was gagging so hard I thought I was going to choke to death. For the second one 15 years later I demanded to be put out explaining my reasons, and they were most sympathetic but unfortunately did not give me enough anaesthetic so I was still aware what was happening and they had to start again as the tube would not go down. Happily they gave me more and I was finally blissfully unaware of the rest of the procedure. Please ensure if you are at all still aware of them working on you please ask for more....... the endoscopy proved I have a sliding hiatus hernia, which is now somewhat under control, but it was a bad experience for me all round. I understand that this procedure is now a lot less traumatic for the patients and most don't even remember a thing after getting on the trolley .......... that is progress!

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