Odd shoes in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Odd shoes

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suechu | 14:21 Wed 30th Nov 2011 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
Hi all, due to an accident long ago I have one leg shorter than the other and need different heel heights for each shoe. My question is this - does anyone know of a 'shoe exchange' which could put people with similar problem in touch with each other? I usually buy the same style shoe with different heel heights and am left with an unneeded pair (if you see what I mean). I have googled and such an organisation exists in the US but not the UK that I can find. Any ideas oh oracles? Thankee kindly.
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Whilst I'm sure I've heard of shoe exchanges before, I can't help. But I suspect in a place as small as the UK it may be a problem matching folk. Would it not be easier to buy the one pair and get a cobbler to change the heel height ?
I don't know if Brantano (sp) do different heel heights, I've heard they do different widths. I know that's no use to you. Sorry.
A friend of mine has a similar problem and has one shoe altered so she can still wear both the same. I somehow think that she was put in touch with the person who alters her shoes through the NHS, but she has to pay quite a lot of money to have the alteration. We live in Lincolnshire, so would you like me to find out where she gets it done, if that's any help?
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Yes I have obviously gone down the route of having shoes altered - something you can actually get FOR FREE!!! on the NHS (at the moment anyway). However it means ruining a perfectly good pair of shoes and upsetting the balance of the shoe - in adding another inch to a heel which was not designed for it, and removing an inch from the other with similar problems.

So if I see the same shoe with the appropriately different heel heights I snap them up.

I have researched having shoes made to my bespoke requirements - horrendously expensive!
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Oh Hellywelly, just read your post again - don't know why your friend has to pay to have hers done on the NHS? Here in Northampton the General Hospital has an 'orthotics' department which do this service absolutely free and myunderstanding was that this applied anywhere. If not in Lincs, it might be worth her while to travel to Northampton!
This is no help but I am sure this question has been asked on here before. If it was not you have you searched the site for previous questions?

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