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Sqad ..

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smurfchops | 19:05 Thu 15th Dec 2011 | Body & Soul
59 Answers
Are you on the mend ?


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Wishing you a speedy recovery, your helpful comments are missed by us all
We are all thinking of you Sqad - all the very best tomorrow. X ;)

LOL Chris - that was a brill cartoon!
Sqad my very best to you. Christmas is just another day. It is more important that you get the correct treatment for your condition. Best of luck to you.
Good luck for tomorrow Sqad, and make sure you completely understand what the Spanish Docs are saying to you - be afraid, very afraid if they say procedimiento del cambio del sexo.........hahahaha Love Den xxx
"Aquí hay el donante" might be even more worrying, Towie ;-)
hahaha Chris - depends who the donante was.
Get well soon Sqad, thinking of you! xx
Just read of your illness only hope things go right.Best wishes TCH
buttcheeks really lol
Get well soon x
You not better yet? You're not trying! All the best for a speedy recovery. x
sqad to nurse '' give us a kiss''
Nurse no I dare not, I really shouldn't be in bed with you.

Happy Chrimus mate, hope all goes well & fast recovery.

W Ron.
Sqad - you do know that you can come to us for any medical advice. I am sure that, between us, we would you cured in not time at all. :-)
best wishes sqad -don't worry about us I was right about `animals and nature' my coccyx has never been so waggy!!!
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
I realise this is open to interpretation but get a grip man (not there!) we need you back - get well soon xxx
Thank you all again, you are very kind, but there are ABER's more deserving as my condition is no big deal

Decision Wednesday morning....triple coronary bypass.

Fao Prudie......I'm answer to your question, the care that I javelin been given in the Spanish State Healthcare ( IBsalud) has-been absolutely superb and I cannot fault it in any way. High tech modern healthcare free to the patient.
Evening Sqad - sorry to hear that - was you surprised or was you expecting that to be the outcome ? I wish you a speedy recovery after the op and I am sure you will be swimming in the Olympic size pool very soon.
Love Den xxx
Glad the decision has been made Sqad, and hope for a speedy recovery for you♥
Lamento escoltar que sqad, els meus millors desitjos per al dimecres, i una ràpida recuperació. Pensaments amb vostès per la seva gran dia.

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