Glad to hear she's improving. Keep me updated on here please.
I was told to keep moving and not stay in bed or on a sofa. Very difficult though!! I know some very gentle things you can do that really help. Gentle stretching things, but unfortunately can't explain them. The physiotherapist taught me.
Exercise and physiotherapy
As with acute sciatica, if you have chronic sciatica you should try to remain as physically active as possible because this will reduce the severity of your symptoms. It is also recommended that you continue to work or return to work as soon as possible.
Regular exercise will help to strengthen the muscles that support your back. Exercise also stimulates the production of endorphins, which are natural painkilling chemicals.
Your GP may recommend a suitable exercise plan for you or refer you to a physiotherapist. A physiotherapist can teach you a range of exercises that strengthen the muscles that support your back and improve the flexibility of your spine. They can also teach you how to improve your posture and reduce any future strain on your back.
Quite honestly, I think it would be to her advantage to see a trained physio for a couple of sessions. All doctors do is give you painkillers. Fortunately my doctor got me physio on the NHS.
Back, been up town getting a few bits- God tis 'orrible out there!
A physiotherapist is coming to her on Wednesday :-)
Yeah, she was told to keep moving as much as possible too, but it hurt her each time she tried that i think, for a few days, she wussed out of trying altogether, which made her ankles and feet swell, which frightened the crap out of her, lol. So she's now making more of an effort to shuffle about a bit more.