Dental treatment abroad in The AnswerBank: Business & Finance
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Dental treatment abroad

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roz.ronly | 17:49 Sun 08th May 2005 | Business & Finance
2 Answers
I am due to get a small windfall and would like to get my teeth sorted out.  Can anyone recommend a safe and extremely good cosmetic dentist abroad.  Was it a good experience ?  Also, which ones/countries should I avoid ?
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I have heard that Hungarian dentists are very good and that German nationals have been going to Hungary for dental treatment week ends for a long time.  I have recently seen Hungarian dentists' advertisements in UK papers. Unfortunately I am unable to recommend any specific dentist.
There is an english based company that specialises in sending British, Irish & American citizens to Budapest & North West Hungary for Dental Treatment / Holiday. Hungary is reported to be the Dental capital of the world. The company is called Hungarian Dental Travel Ltd. If anybody needs any more information they can email me, [email removed by AB ED] and i will be happy to pass on your details to Hungarian Dental Travel as they only accept clients by personal recomendation until mid july 2005 when they go national.

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