my 2 year old nephew has chicken pox and he cant sleep! classic! the worst is on his head though so everytime he falls asleep he moves and it pisses him off again and kicks off :P
is it a big deal to use that lotion stuff on his head? i mean its just hair init? if it helps him sleep everyone wins right? is there anything else i could try?
Slother the little head in the lotion - yes, it is just skin with hair on, so treat as per skin. You used to be able to get a soothing potassium permanganate ( I think) solution from the chemist to put in the bath, that helped. Rest assured this phase will pass soon, then all you have to do is hoover up the scabs :)
Calamine Cream is much better than the lotion, and it does not dry the skin so much. Try a drop or two of lavender oil on his pillow case, that may make him sleep as well.
I used lavender oil on my daughter when she had chicken pox. But she was six. Lavender is very soothing and great for relieving an itch. You could add a few drops to a bath or if it's alright dab it neat onto the spots. As he is so young be very careful, it is a very gentle oil so I don't think it would do him any harm but it's best to be safe than sorry. Lavender is also good for soothing to sleep (lavender pillows etc.)
I don't think it is potassium permanganate solution you want. It probably would not do much harm but it WILL stain his skin brown all over. And there is no way of getting the stain off. You have to wait for the skin to wear off.
It you want to get rid of smelly feet, though, it's just the long as you don't mind having brown feet for about six weeks.
piriton syrup is very good for babies with chicken pox it helps with the itching and lets them have a good night sleep..... read up on the internet it explains all.....hope he feels better soon ...