Boy #1 feel awkwardly and hurt his arm at school today. We've been to A & E (the school wanted us to go as his arm 'didn't look right'). Turns out he has bruised it and it is in a splint. The bit he has hurt is the bit above the wrist in line with his little finger on his right arm. Is there anything I can do to ease his discomfort as he is being a bit tearful and it is obviously hurting him. (He has some Neurofen.). Thanks.
Hi Boo - that's where we got the names from. Boy #2 dressed up as the cat in the hat one year for World book day and he wanted to dress the twins up as thing 1 and thing 2! They will be in the same school from September so we might get the chance to fulfill boy #2's dream!
Hi Star, think its just a case of getting older - although it's lovely when we see flashes of the old him (I'm sure he will snap out of it - fingers crossed).