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Be honest -how much booze do you get through a day/week

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Kristal53 | 20:40 Wed 14th Mar 2012 | Body & Soul
84 Answers
I have at least two but more like 4 glasses of wine a day and more at a weekend. i don't drink shorts much except in winter when a bottle of spiced rum will last me about a week. I have maybe a couple of days a week wine free on occasion (!) but I actually love wine but don't crave it. According to statistics I consume around three times more than I should -i have to say I don;t give a flying F cos i have an active lifestyle and eat a healthy balanced diet, prepared at home (never ever bought a ready meal in my life) - so how much do you consume -if anything- and do you worry that its way over the 23 units advised a week?


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I will give some reassurance - although I don't think you need it! I drink more than the "safe" limit and I couldn't give a damn! I enjoy my wine every evening and the amount varies according to how much I want to drink. I'm 54 and plan to continue eating and drinking as I please - and be HAPPY. Don't want to start watching everything I eat and drink and being -...
18:36 Thu 15th Mar 2012
I've read that a certain amount of wine/alcohol is good for you, but I just don't like the taste - so my answer to the question is... none at all!
Nothing at all ever through the week and only occasionaly on the weekends so I drink probably once a month on average.

I've never understood the desire to go home and sink a bottle of wine. I'd rather have a cup of tea.
I havent read all the posts on here, so this may already have been clarified - a unit is a glass of wine (average size glass - and average strength wine), half a pint of medium strength beer or a shot of alcohol. I consume much more than is good for me.
usually share a bottle of wine with Redman at w/end maybe share one during week couple of pints or less at w/end and bottle of beer if I do curry... occasional malt whisky or rum and the odd port with cheese and biscuits... sounds like a lot but the occasionals are once a month or less so I maybe have between 4-8 units a week now none at all some weeks though
I probably average about 12 pints of real ale a year, I dont need to be worrying to much at this stage.
Have to say pre redman it was more like one or two units a month... but he rather likes the real ale pubs in birmingham... as some of them have a seriously good range of beers
I very rarely drink more than 2 pints of Lager if we go out, I never drink at home. Herself is the same, (just as well in her case, she is crazy enough without alchohol being added to the mix)
Not a drop now. But once I would regularly have had the weekly recommended 23 units before dinnertime.
We only drink at weekends unless we are going out during the week, which is rare. We will either have a bott of wine between us on Fri and Sat or a couple of cans each night.
Honest answer - tea total. Much better for your organs.
Ah JJ Don't I just love you:

"a bottle of wine is NOT a unit Jayne"

I think you'll find it is.

My consumption is irregular though I have 4 pints on Sunday - Why 4? Because I drive in the morning and don't want to be over the limit.

Given the choice between drinking and public transport or not drinking and driving. I always choose the latter.
I drink vodka at home mixed with cranberry or raspberry and cranberry juice, part of my five a day! A litre bottle lasts about 2wks, again you don't buy to look at it. When out I have pints of lager usually about five, but thats not every week.

Wine gives me acid, always has done. I will have it be
sociable. lol
No more than three bottles of wine a week.
0 units - I don't drink really.
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@rodge2 -I don't play the organ so I should be ok
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Well -those replies were entertaining -what a good party could be had on here ;-) I think that as long as you don't wake up feeling you need a drink, or panic when you have no booze in, then you should drink what you feel is suitable for you whether that be one glass or one bottle a night. I actually love the taste of wine -all types except pink which I find sickly. As for my health in 20 years time -well I'll be well into my 70's by then and if my health deteriorates for the sole reason of drinking (which i doubt) then I would stop -maybe. I have friends in their late 80's who down a bottle of wine a day and are as fit as flees cos they have an active healthy lifestyle. So i say life is for enjoying -within reason. I've just come back from riding my horse around 10 miles - had homemade soup for lunch and will be making a quiche with salad for tea - which I will enjoy with a glass of chilled white before during and most likely after the meal -happy days! ;-)
thats very interesting, I know a lot of elderly people, the one thing I have learnt is that as you age the size of meals and drinks substantially reduces in comparison to a person in their 30s-40s, particularly in the case of people in their 70's and 80's. In fact I dont know of any people of that age who would be able to consume and entire bottle of wine a day, preferring to have a nip of something strong. I have also noticed that older people tend to be more health conscious, eat a much healthier diet and take regular exercise.

I believe in live and let live, if you enjoy a bottle of wine a day, then good for you :)
I'm pretty much the same kristal I always remember seeing bottle stoppers for sale and thought who on earth buys them lol
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when you think about it it doesn't take much effort to drink a bottle of wine - a glass at lunch (not me personally as my afternoon would be F'd) a couple of glasses with evening meal and then a nightcap -bingo! I bet most french people get through at least a bottle a day.

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