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What does everyone look like?

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londondave | 12:38 Sun 15th May 2005 | Body & Soul
43 Answers

I am always intrigued what some the regulars look like/work as. Esp natalie_1983, nicola_red. andy hughes!!

I am 39, 5'10", long black hair with red streak, slim, 10.7st, blue eyes. Original Goth/Punk dress, few piercings/tattooes. Part own a tv/film extras buisness.



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another convert nicola? might be there myself soon.
29, 5' 7". Messy unkept brown / silver go faster stripe hair (hair cut twice a year sort of thing). Usually wear jeans and t-shirt. Sometimes trousers if none of the above have been washed. Bit of a beer belly. 12 stone. Work as a software developer for an e-learning company. Have spent the last 8 years making websites. Probably the most boring person in the world. Until after 4 pints. Then I'm the drunkest boring person yay :o)
Come on over Iceman, the more the merrier!
Aged 26 (or will be in a week - yaay, birthday!), 5'3" and 10 stone (not happy about that)  Green eyes, longish red hair (natural, but taking an age to grow!) which in my mind is like Julia Robert's, but in reality is a wavy, fluffy mess!
Clothes casual, verging on hippyish. Don't like wearing smart clothes as feel like a fraud!
Used to have lots of earrings and my nose pierced but just have 2 earrings now. No tattooes - too scared!
nice boots, nicola.
Another convert to sludge jno?  Thankyou, and I'm very glad you said boots!
nice tats, Nicola

22, 5'8" (I think), 8st 13 (and falling hopefully).  Shoulder length brown hair in a not hugely exciting cut.  Blue eyes.  The only pics of me online are on webpages where I look RANK in most of the pictures.  My dress sense would probably best be described as "dull".  I don't rush out to buy the latest fashions, but I'm not deliberately non-conformist either.  Am studying LL.M in Law and Economics at University of Manchester. 


You all sound far more interesting looking than me!

24, long dark brown hair, very dark brown eyes, normally slim but currently have a HUGE baby bump, 5'3", Armani glasses, olive skin, I suppose conventionally dressed but I like to finish off with a striking bit of jewellery so it's not too boring!
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Long purple hair, scarlett?  Very brave!  I have worn a black wig with purple highlights a few times in the evenings, and it attracted a lot of looks.  I have to feel very confifent.

Right-oh, here goes. 36 years old, bespectacled, bedraggled, bewildered, hair not so much receding as relocating (ah, the almost daily excitement of finding somewhere else that needs shaving), weight sufficient for airlines to count me as cargo, have been compared looks-wise (sans specs) to ex-Liverpool FC manager Gerard Houllier and Hollywood actor Jeff Goldblum (now there's a love child you don't want to bump into in a dark alley).

Apart from that, I'm chuffin' gorgeous, me.
Late thirties, 5' 4" dark, wavy shoulder length hair, slim (115 lbs) , light brown complexion. 
Er, probably wouldn't have said that outright on a so-called family site, jno.
Tattoos are unmentionable on a family site? Sorry! Anyway, I can say I have a clearer picture of you than of other contributors... except IndieSinger, who managed to post a link to a pic of himself a while ago.
Tattoos!  hahaha...nicely done jno.
34, long brown hair (down to the middle of my back) with grey streaks, mustache and zappa-like beard.  I used to be extremely skinny, but not any more.I wear glasses and am a hydrogeologist.
wow u all sound so interesting....... bless littleoldme, is it me am i the only one to ask what a hydrogeologist does?
A hydrogeologist generally studies how groundwater moves through and interacts with subsurface rocks and soil.  There are many environmental applications including contaminated groundwater remediation and water resource management.  I am currently trying to develop a method of determining if and how fast microbes are eating certain groundwater contaminants at a specific contaminated site.
thanx newtron , much wiser now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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