I have to smile at some of these answers. Those who have answered rozia's question all say you do lose weight and fast on the CD but as soon as you return to eating normally you but it all back on again.
Well of course you will put the weight back on if you go back to "eating normally", ie as you did before the diet. It was the way you "eat normally" that put the weight on in the first place.
The lesson is that you can never go back to eating how you used to eat before the diet or you will end up where you started and worse.
My advice to anyone wanting to lose weight would be eat what you like but get a smaller plate and eat half your usual the portion size.
In my experience different diets suit different people, as out metabolism varies from person to person. My friend and I went to a slimming class for a year, she got fed up and cheated quite often while I stuck rigidly to their diet and exercise - she lost a stone, I lost a few pounds. All she did was laugh and called it her choccy diet! I have tried many diets over the years and found the only way I can lose weight is to cut calories right down to about 800 per day.
When you cut down that far,your body will start to lose muscle,and (supposedly) go into starvation mode. This means that as your body believes there is no sustenance available,it then holds on to whatever fat there is. You've got to eat to lose.
Which is what happened on the Cambridge Diet. I think it might have changed since I went on it which was decades ago - they had to increase the amount of calories for medical reasons.
Cutting portion size, eating reasonably sensibly and above all getting more exercise - even lots of walking helps - is really the only way you can lose weight.
I come from a family who ate loads - people did back in the 50's 60's and even 70's. They piled on the potatoes, etc. You didn't see many fat people around. The difference was people moved about a lot more - walked to the shops, walked everywhere. Nowadays people are much more static in general.
There was a program on Horizon I think about a month or so ago. All about weight loss,hormones etc. One scientist demonstrated how just movement-while upright-was enough to help with weight loss. Nothing strenuous-just walking,spending less time sitting (she says as she sits at her pc for....ages...;-()
>>>>In the first week of any diet weight loss can be up to 8lbs in my experience
That is not a REAL weight loss, it is just your body coming to terms with a change in diet, and also the loss of the weight of the food and water inside your body.
So soon as you start eating properly again that 8lbs would go straight back on.