I took your advice on board Sqad and felt confident everything was ok and normal. But yesterday I got a really sharp pain in my left side ribs (where I tore my intercostal muscle/s back in feb) which felt like a stab. It seemed to subside so I put it down to sitting funny? Since getting back from work yesterday the stabbing pain has continued every time I inhale, cough, stretch etc... It's actually quite painful to breathe and it hasn't hurt this much since I did the injury.
Am I being a hypercondriac? Or do I need to seek medical help? I don't want to waste someone's time but I am concerned it shouldn't be this uncomfortable to breathe. It woke me a couple of times last night an since getting up there has been no improvement. Thanks in advance
My previous opinion and advice remains.
See you GP who will reassess the situation and perhaps arrange a chest X-Ray to reassure you and also perhaps to give you an injection in the affected spot.
maybe it had healed slightly 'tight' and has given a little again... pain killers and when they are working deep breathing so the muscles have to expand to maximum now and then
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Do you know the answer?
Advice needed.... Sqad or anyone who can help please