I'm not happy in my body - I am obese, but trying to do something about it. About 12 years ago I was very seriously ill, and lost masses of weight and went down to 8st 12lbs which I hadn't been since I was about 13! The joy of going into shops, and not having to look for the larger garments was wonderful. And I carried on getting better and gradually the weight started to go on again, which I didn't mind to begin with because weighing that little didn't suit me. But in the last few years the weight has just carried on going on - and I'm a real yo-yo dieter, which I'm also trying to change, I worked out the other day that I was carrying the equivalent to another (very slim) person around with me, which I think has helped me to be really serious about trying to lose weight. So, in answer to he question No,I'm not happy in my body at present, but hopefully I will be fairly soon. (and I think I have quite nice eyes!)