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Manky toe

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sherrardk | 18:14 Sat 23rd Jun 2012 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
I stupidly picked at my toe nail and have now got a manky toe. It is very sore on the side of the nail and is a little bit swollen. I have had a plaster on it (to protect it and draw out any gunge). Should I keep a plaster on it now that I am a bit safer from little people treading on it or should I take the plaster off to 'air' it. Thanks.


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You could try some 'magnesium sulphate paste' ( available from a pharmacy) its a drawing ointment and it might 'draw'out the gunge and help it heal.
Its not a 'ingrowing' nail is it because that would need some professional advice eg practice nurse
Hope that helps!
"Manky?" How manky" It sounds as though it is painful, swollen, but not discharging.
So......not that "manky"

Don't put a plaster or dressing on it....leave well alone and report back in 48 hours.
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Thanks both, I shall leave it alone and hope it sorts itself out (and hope that no little person treads on it tomorrow).
Jaysus, careful you don't stub it on the door or a chair leg. You will go through the ceiling !
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Thing 1 and thing 2 have both bashed it today - I nearly screamed! Obviously, it is not hanging off by a thread or anything but it is 'tender' to say the least.
Try bathing it in salt water, If this does not help, it may be that you have an infection and need antibiotics.

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