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Fear of being trapped

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fairy! | 11:20 Tue 31st May 2005 | Body & Soul
10 Answers

Is there a name for this?  It's different from chlaustraphobia.

eg: if I went up in a hot air balloon, fair enough the little basket thing is an enclosed space, so that could be chlaustraphobia, but the problem is being trapped in that little basket in the sky & not being free to just get out whenever I want.

Another eg: if I'm at the movies, I have to sit on the aisle.  If I don't, I spend the entire duration of the film worrying about not being having a clear exit route if I needed to leave for any reason.

I don't want a cure... just a name!!  Any ideas??



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Clithrophobia or Cleithrophobia is a fear of being enclosed.
fairy you sound just like me!  Actually this can be a symptom of agoraphobia which most people think of as only the opposite - fear of wide open spaces.  It can include fear of being trapped in situations where you feel out of control & want to escape to a safe place. Worrying about what the situation will be like before you get there is sometimes far worse than the reality!  
 Fortunately I'm not as bad as I used to be, & have started thinking of going abroad for the first time - as you say it's not the fear of flying but the fear of being trapped.  Don't you often wish fairy that you could really fly?!  :-)
I've a friend who has a problem like this.  For him, it even extends to the dentist chair and having to sit still with someone leaning over him.
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Thanks guys!

Robina... I've been looking up agorophobia on the net... like you said, I always thought it was fear of open spaces, but some of the symptoms totally describe me!  Luckily it sounds like I don't have it too bad at the mo... hope it doesn't get worse though :-(

Is there a way of making it better??

I get this too! I get anxiety when I go abroad and once spent a day having panic attacks in Paris with my boyfriend! (how romantic) I never knew what it was either so it's helpful to read some of the answers. I have been away since and everything was ok, so I know that it's all in my mind and the reality really isn't that bad...good luck

fairy I'm sure that one of the things to make it worse is worrying about it when it becomes fear of the fear. As for making it better there are many ways in which may help & I suppose it's a case of whatever suits you best.  There's hypnotherapy, acupuncture, & behaviour therapy to name a few but I have to say I've never tried any of them.  I tend to have good & bad phases which usually go hand in hand with my physical health.  When I'm feeling unwell I become more anxious & it's difficult to avoid a vicious circle.  If you feel you need help try talking to your GP first who may point you in the right direction.

Good luck & try not to worry, far worse happens in your imagination than in reality. x

To help you understand and deal with your anxiety. picture a fear as just 'the need for the opposite'

I.E. 'Im not scared of being trapped, i just have a love for freedom' if you picture it this way you divert your attention to the positive aspect. Picture yourself fulfilling that need and you will feel calmer.

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Thanks Bob.. I'll try & give that a go!

Kick3m0n... I went to the dentist today & all I could think about was what you said about your friend!!  At least it kept my mind off the drilling...!

Now I realize I'm not alone... I have developed a fear of basically being confined... so, that means it's getting increasingly difficult for me to take elevators, ride on the subway, ride amusements, and possibly even take a plane.  Does anyone know of any support groups for Claustrophobia or Clithrophobia-- or recommend any treatments?  I have had panic attacks in the past from being stuck on a subway and in an elevator...

I too suffer from this. I have my good moments and bad. I agree with one person who said when they feel good the anxiety is less. I also found if eat less salty foods, ex. chips my anxiety and fears are less.
Thank you everyone for posting, I was having a mini panic attack about something I was originally looking forward to all do to feeling I might feel trapped.

Also, try telling yourself that it will be over and tomorrow will come just as fast as it did yesterday. I did that when I had to be a bridesmaid. Talk about feeling trapped. I was afraid I'd run down the aisle away from the crowd. Luckily I did not.

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