As someone has already said, every form of surgery carries a risk. It would be terrible if you put yourself through this either to suffer some sort of reaction to an anaesthetic (potentially fatal) or to find that your sex life actually suffers in the future because of it. To most woman, losing their virginity is either painful or a bit of a non-event. If you had not had such a traumatic past you might well have found that your hymen had been broken by using tampons or by some form of exercise. Not every woman has an intact hymen the first time they have sex, whether they realise it or not. You already have a fiance who loves you whatever you have been through and you obviously have a sex life with him. If you are determned to go through with this procedure anyway, why have you asked for other people's advice? If you are not sure, then I think you will see that most people think it's not a great idea.