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Exercises at home

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Louise82 | 13:04 Thu 02nd Jun 2005 | Body & Soul
11 Answers

I work full time and study before work, at lunch and sometimes in the evenings. I do absolutly no exercise whatsoever but try to eat properly and gave up smoking last year. I feel really tired all the time and my doctor keeps telling me that I need to exercise.


I cant afford to go to the gym so need some exercises to do at home. I dont think streches and sit ups etc would suffice as i need something to get my heart rate going eg caridal exercise. I dont really want to go running in the evenings on my own as its a dodgy area!


Does anyone know how I can do cardial exercise without the use of machinery at home?



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Im just going to throw ideas at you, some of them maybe nonsense or not ideal


skipping is a really good one....if you have a garden could do it out there, if not clear your livingroom and get jumping!

if you have stairs run up and down them....

a good exercise video......

star jumps, running on the spot....

put some good dancing music on and get dancing around your living room im sure that will get you going.

I know you said that you want to exercise at home without machinery.  But I am in the same position as you .i.e needing to exercise so I went and bought myself a rowing machine from ebay.  I picked up a really good one, partically new for �20!  I use it for 30mins to an hour each night whilst watching tv or listening to music.  I'm really enjoying it and I want to loose a stone by 12 Aug so with exercise and a controlled diet I'm feeling more positive.


Very cheap- all you need is a rope and away you go.

This will really get your heart racing in a short time. It can be a little difficult at first to last more than a few minutes but with a little practice you will soon be going for 15- 20 mins at a time, don't give up keep at it. I started this a while back as part of my normal routine at the gym. It gives an all over workout and you will be pleasantly suprised at how much it really tones you up too.

Try alternating between skipping and something else this will releave the bordom so you don't give up.

Give it a few weeks every other day and you will without a doubt notice the benifits both physically and mentally that regular excercise will give you.

Good luck and keep at it

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Thank you for all your answers, they are all brilliant. I feel really silly for not thinking of skipping myself! Its a fantastic idea and wont cost anything.

I will definatley look on Ebay and see what I can find. Although the only room we have to put anything in is the spare room and at the moment my fiance has taken it over as his weights room...... oh well i will have to kick him out into the garden!

I think I will go out and buy a skipping rope after work and get started tonight!


Thanks x  

my mum does the skipping thing, or i would never have thought of it... in if she can do it anyone can!!

good luck... hope you get the results your looking for...

You could also try running up and down the stairs. if you do it enough, you'll soon work up a sweat!! The first step at the bottom of the stairs could be used in a 'step aerobics' kind of way also?
Perhaps a silly qustion... but where can I buy a skipping rope??  Do sports shops have them?
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I just found one on the argos website for �1.99!
Fantastic... I'm off to Argos! :-)
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Well dont take the last was my idea first!
what about vigorous extra equipment required ( usually)and good cardio work out.

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Exercises at home

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