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Tilly2 | 13:23 Wed 15th Aug 2012 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
I'm not sure that this is the correct section but here goes. This morning when my OH was out walking the dogs, I decided to wash my hair. I was in the bathroom using the over bath shower and happily lathering my hair when I suddenly felt that there was some one standing behind me.

I hastily rinsed my face so that I could open my eyes and see who it was. I was really panicking because I couldn't see, momentarily. Of course there was no one there but I was really scared and locked the bathroom door before I could finish my hair. Has anyone else ever experienced this type of thing?
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Yep. I was lying on the sofa with my head to the door. Someone came into the room and walked along the back of the sofa. I carried on watching TV until I got irritated with the BF for not speaking when he came into the room, I then realised I was alone in the room.

I'm not a believer or disbeliever, I just know what happened that evening.
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Did it scare you, eccles?
This feeling is quite common - far more than you would think.

Although as a species we adopt a veneer of civilsation, as biological specimens, we retain a lot of the aspects of our primeval ancestors - including hairs rising when frightened - the reaction for primeval man would be for his fur to stiffen up to protect him in the event of a possible fight.

it is likely that your primeval senses heard something outside which your mind did not pick up - or more likely filtered out - but your 'fight or flight' reflexes kicked in anyway, causing you to react. Your reaction would trigger a burst of adrenaline which would give you instant shivers, and cause you to breathe more deeply and tense your muscles. This could lead your subconcious mind to imagine a physical threat, even though none is there - hence your feeling that someone was with you.

As I said, these reactions are primeval, and have not eveolved out of our systems yet, so don't worry about it, it's perfectly natural.
Not scared, definitely spooked though.

It's odd, I know it happened and I know there is no evidence but I *know* someone walked into that room. I just feel a bit of a nutter admitting it, the scientist in me likes evidence!
That's a relief andy, I live alone and this thread was giving me goosebumps !
Similar things happened all the time in my old family home, which was demolished in the late 80's, the people who bought the plot and built a new bungalow on the site of the old one are friends of many years standing, and say there are still odd goings on, but nothing scary thank goodness.
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Thank you, andy. I feel better for knowing that.
I can remember this happening to me, Tilly - it wasn't long after my sister-in-law died - I was in the kitchen, alone, washing up at the sink, when this feeling that somebody was standing behind me, like somebody was standing in my space, really weird. I turned around expecting to see someone, but obviously nothing.

Spooky. {:o(
When I was 12, we lived in a huge old Victorian house. I remember lying in my bed and "drawing" shapes on my wall with my finger (sounds odd but I have never been a good sleeper!) I vividly recall someone exhale over my ear. I sat up, no-one was there. My parents thought we had an intruder. The police came with police dogs and searched all over the house. It was on 4 floors and we had a "granny flat" attached. The dogs went everywhere and found nothing. I was absolutely convinced someone was there. I never liked that house! Looking back, I do wonder if I maybe dozed off and it was a dream. It was just so real.
Yeah... but usually only when I'm really tired or quite stressed/emotional. I always put it down to my brain on overdrive.
Try watching Psychic Sally on T.V., Tilly.
It makes you think!!!
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I couldn't watch that, I'd be too frit, Wak!
I have a glass panel in my living room door. Around 10PM most nights, a (figure) walks past then back again! Also I have a touch lamp which you touch with your hands to turn off and on. This turns on by itself occasionally. Spooks the hell out of me, especially when I'm alone
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Don't you ever open the door pippins?
I never shut the door, its always ajar, I look in the hallway, but obviously nothing there. I always get the feeling someone is in the hall, and just that area of the flat.
I am never sure if i am 'a believer' or not but this defo happened to me.

My Westie dog always used to love to crawl along the back of the sofa and lie around my neck like a scarf (sounds mad I know!) but she used to do this daily & we both enjoyed cuddling up like this.

A few days after she died I was sitting on the sofa & felt the same warm feeling around my neck so real that I jumped up thinking a stray animal had got in (very unlikely) but of course there was nothing there.

It only happed the once but it defo happed.
I truly keep an open mind, but the memory of a loved pet could easily be conjoured by a grieving mind looking for the comfort of that sensation.

I do believe that the feeling that someone is in the room with us is triggered by the fight/flight mechanisms I mentioned, which automatically heighten all our senses, and may give us instant and temporary sight of shadows and light-falls that we do not normally pick up.

Some situations in which our subconcious picks up atmospheres not fed into our concioous minds can lead us to see and hear things that are misinterperetations of sensations - someone being in the room, when no-one is actually there is very common. That's a short leap to the notion of a ghost or presence, which is unlikely, but as I say, I keep a totally open mind.

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