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Ooffff! Period Pain.

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EvianBaby | 14:52 Thu 27th Sep 2012 | Body & Soul
65 Answers
I forgot how badly I used to suffer cramps. It's horrible at the moment. The only thing that seems to touch it is nurofen plus but I'm having to take about 6 tablets a day at the moment and as I'm on citalopram I don't think I'm supposed to be taking it at all.

Is there anything else as effective that I could use?


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Ha ha ha, Wolf you do make me laugh!
I used to suffer badly in my early 20's, Coedine and Indian Brandy were the remedies in those days. Didn't work, Indian Brandy is awful.
I vaguely feel I shouldn't even be reading this thread, but wolf has just reduced me to helpless giggles :+)

and Nurofen Plus (or Cuprofen Plus) are just wunnerful for pain ... not that (as a man) I have any real conception of what pain is ...
dave - even my little boy cat is a wimp. If his sister 'wellies' him with her huge paws he usually starts crying pathetically and then runs for a cuddle. Then he remembers he is a big tough tom cat and stomps off.

I used to get aggressive before my period and I would try and pick fights with anyone that pissd me off. I am not like that at all the rest of the time. Surely other animals suffer - not just human females.

At least we have males to take our frustration out on. :-)
I have had a handful of serious painful bouts of period pain in my life and with all of them I've been doubled up and in tears. All the others have been painful but I managed to cope with them. I would definitely recommend a hot water bottle or soak in a hot bath. When at work, I used to take Nurofen but I can't take anything other than paracetamol now as I have a stomach ulcer.
It's one of the advantages of getting old (there aren't very many) - you don't have to suffer that awful pain every month. I used to be doubled up with them and even have to take to my bed sometimes it was so bad. Some women don't get them (but not many). My young sister asked my sister-in-law what it was like to have a baby, was it like bad period pains my sister-in-law answered 'I don't know, I've never had period pains'. We were both absolutely amazed. What a lucky person!!
My doctor gave me Ponstan. It was pretty good.
Thankfully every radiation cloud has a silver lining and I don't have to put up with that rubbish any more. YAY!
I'm in pain today. I wonder will it come out in my posts....
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Does that mean you're gonna be all angry and use lots of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't tell if I should be laughing at some of the responses here but I am.
I know a certain cure.........but it only lasts for 9 months.
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Plus at least 18 years of severe headaches
I hate you all!!!!!!!!! The lot of ya :-)

The boys have been poorly so I just presumed I was getting ill. I suppose I should be grateful that I'm not actually sick, but I'm not!!!! ha
Don't even go there Graham!!!! I suddenly felt much better once they'd left for school.
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Don't start on me! I was ecstatically happy an hour ago and now I'm sobbing into my cocopops. I'm a loose canon! ;)

It's the feeling of 'were they really that bad this morning or am I the problem'
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It was them. It's always them.
I spoke with my doctor many years ago having been on the pill since my teens and asked about giving my body a break and was told on two seperate occasions if its working for you and not causing you any problems then no need to stop. Once I reached late 30s then into 40 and was having some BP issues I was taken off the pill and have had the mirena coil for about 18 months now - other than a couple of periods and a bit of tummy pain just a couple of months ago it has been great, thoroughly recommend it. In the past though when I did get period pains it was only nurofen that worked for me - not any other anti inflammtories for some reason. Fortunately didn't suffer too badly.
Here is a totally left field perception from a very unusual experience.

Many years ago my wife suffered from an illness called Ross River Virus, a chronic disease that causes weakness in the joints among many other symptoms. My wife had an unusual but documented symptom involving bleeding under the skin of the wrists when subjected to a load.

On talk back radio she heard the personal experience of a farmer who had the disease. He was pushed onto an electric fence by his cows and he claimed it was a turning point in his recovery.

My wife was desperate, we lived on a farm and had an electric fence. I have also worked in electrical engineering so we set up the energizer such that I could control the 5000 Volt pulse it produced. You would have had to have experienced the shock of an electric fence to fully appreciate what it feels like. It is something you never ever forget.

I set it up to send a pulse between two plates. My wife stood on the plates which we covered with piles of cut grass to attenuate the shock. The foot to foot arrangement was designed to avoid shocking her heart. It never reached the full power of the energiser unit.

The grass was removed until a substantial shock was felt. The immediate observation by my wife was the sudden and complete elimination of the period pains she was suffering before the sock.

In retrospect I consider the way the shock was delivered would have been very effective through the womb. My wife likened it to a "reset".

It was also the turning point in her recovery from Ross River Virus.

You should consider your own circumstances before deciding if this treatment is appropriate for you.
^beso, I'm not sure plugging a loved one into the mains is entirely without it's own hazards, but each to their own I suppose
An electric fence delivers a shock of about 5000 Volts for a few milliseconds. It is not lethal but it is unforgettable.

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