If there was no fever I would question the diagnosis of a "cold."
Why so, Sqad? I've had approximately 75,093,128 colds but never felt feverish with them. Just the usual sneezing, coughing and running nose - doesn't that imply a standard-issue cold?
I can have a hot forehead without necessarily having a temperature so they don't go hand in hand like some people seem to think they do.
I wasn't allowed to have one at my surgery when I had a chest infection. I had mine a couple of weeks after, went for blood tests and the nurse noticed I needed one and she did it there and then for me.
Colds are viral in origin and are usually associated with a rise in temperature....one doesn,t have to be sweating and feverish to have a rise in temperature. If you feel perfectly normal but have sneezing and a runny nose, one doesn' t usually take one's temperature, so how will you know?
Many of these "colds" are due to an allergy or more likely vast motor rhinitis (sudden change in air temperature>
thanks Sqad... so I may just have had a lot of rhinitises over the eyyrs. Dooesn't make any practical difference, I suppose. Thank goodness tissues were invented, though - when I was little my mum used to have to cut up old bedsheets for me to blow my nose on, I was so productive.
Usually tablet medication is taken with water .
However , is there any reason why you should not take them with , for example , Juice / tea / coffee /pop ?
that's going to depend a bit on the med. Sometimes taking them with a hot drink can dissolve a capsule or coating and make the thing taste a bit disgusting.
If its something OTC then it should be okay, so long as you drink plenty with them and its not alcoholic. I have trouble swallowing large tablets, so where possible I swallow them with food, then have a drink.
Bazile.......depends what the medication is....but to answer your question, in 99% of cases it doesn't matter a "jot" what liquid form that you choose.
Careful sqad, in these litiginous days shouldn't you add the rider "provided the liquid itself is not in any way dangerous to drink". E.g. bleach ! ! ! ! ! !