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islasmum | 21:11 Tue 27th Nov 2012 | Body & Soul
35 Answers
That when you massage your legs that you should massage towards the heart?


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No idea.
Why would you want to massage your legs?
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Because of diabetes I have kidney problems, and have oedema on my legs. I've been advised to moisturise my lower legs and feet daily, due to poor circulation. When I was chatting to a friend she mentioned about always massaging any part of the body towards the heart. I had never heard of this before and wondered if there was any truth in it.
Yes, you should massage in the direction of the lymph flow, i.e. towards the heart
I have heard that. It makes sense in a way. You want to encourage the lymphatic fluid (via massage) to go back up through the body rather than downwards.
I've heard that too you should do it when body brushing as well.
yes, always
It's how I was taught Islasmum and when LGH started using massage for kidney patients to help with high blood pressure it's what they recommended.
Can't say I always followed that rule though.
AYG - I always shudder when I hear the words "body brushing"

Year ago I rescuscitated a tramp....who had scabies. I had to go to the council disinfestation centre, strip off and stand there while a woman covered me with a solution...using a yard brush
Gawd!!!! Only you. x
(Seriously) Well done Mrs O for resus!
Yuk, but well done you mrsO. I wouldn't have done resus. on a tramp in the first place. Now I've got an image of a nekked mrsO in a dingy yard getting scubbed with Lysol and a stiff broom.
Mind you, I resuscitated a man in the fruit and veg at the Co-op but I got a round of applause.
I've done it twice.
OAP in the street and a man found hanging.
Islasmum...have you tried one of those vibrating machines you put your feet on? Advertised as helping circulation.
I've done it 9 times and only saved 2 of them.
They all happened in a 2 year period. I became paranoid about going out as so many people were dropping down dead at my feet
I've got one of those machines - a Vibratech powerplate know that visit I was making to Whitby.........?
You're an angel O
Is it any good?

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