Film, Media & TV2 mins ago
Is depression hereditary?
25 Answers
In other words, does in run in families?
Smowball - will try not to use too much psychobabble here - Depression has many causes both physical and mental. A brain malfunction (not creating enough 'happy chemicals) can run in families as can the disposition towards Depression - your Core Beliefs, Automatic Thoughts some say are nature (hereditary) some Nurture (learned from parents). Its very complicated but I personally think Depression can run in families but am sure at least a few people on here will disagree as it often depends if you are a Physician or a psychologist as to your views on the matter.
hi again Smowball -my comment passed 'in the mail' so to speak. If your husband is clinically depressed and is bipolar or suffers from unipolar disorder then your son may be more susceptible - the way he is brought up will have no effect on something that is a physical condition. If your husbands Depression is linked to Anxiety or substance abuse then not necessarily. And Smow -he is 14yrs old - believe me he will go through all sorts of mood swings, rants raves door slams and 'I hate you you are the worst parent in the world' before he comes out the other side at about 21 ;-)
//he has always had strong similarities to his dads personality/behaviour, from when he was quite small.//
Showing signs of a parents Personality and Behaviour does not mean he is going to get depressed! If he has been showing signs of Depression and mood swings since he was 'quite small' then this would have been picked up by now by his teachers - I think you are reading too much into this -you have not had a teenager yet -Ha Ha -you will see - cut the guy some slack Smo -first you are accusing him of lying that his dad was dead (title of your post was 'strange lie' so you'd already decided he had said what your OH said he heard and meant what he said) and now you're looking for signs of a mental illness?????? Poor lad -reading through some of your archived posts of things that have happened in your family over the last year he's every right to be a bit angry and moody.
//he has always had strong similarities to his dads personality/behaviour, from when he was quite small.//
Showing signs of a parents Personality and Behaviour does not mean he is going to get depressed! If he has been showing signs of Depression and mood swings since he was 'quite small' then this would have been picked up by now by his teachers - I think you are reading too much into this -you have not had a teenager yet -Ha Ha -you will see - cut the guy some slack Smo -first you are accusing him of lying that his dad was dead (title of your post was 'strange lie' so you'd already decided he had said what your OH said he heard and meant what he said) and now you're looking for signs of a mental illness?????? Poor lad -reading through some of your archived posts of things that have happened in your family over the last year he's every right to be a bit angry and moody.
Well I used to be very short fused , viole nt, was diagn osed with depre ssion and menta l illne ss earli er on in my life, had addic tions and my fathe r was exact ly the same- howev er it has to be said that if I had to jump one way or the other in the natur e vs nurtu re stake s I would large ly go with nurtu re, as since I remov ed mysel f from the probl em locat ion, probl em peopl e and probl em lifes tyle, actua lly took the time and troub le to relea rn my respo nses to situa tions and stres s ( not easy or quick ) I have been large ly probl em free and not takin g any medic ation for it now for a very long time. That being said I'm still proba bly more likel y to be deepl y affec ted by some thing s than most peopl e, and likew ise proba bly more likel y to want to solve probl ems by chuck ing someo ne throu gh a windo w, but in my own case despi te my fathe r being a total socio path I think I've large ly overc ome any inher ant tende ncies by caref ul life manag ement .