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Ears Congested

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Sammy48 | 16:06 Fri 01st Feb 2013 | Body & Soul
24 Answers
My daughter has been suffering from earache for quite a few weeks. Been to GP he said no infection but they are congested. Any tips on how to uncongest them. It is really getting her down.


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Mags, well we are very lucky to have two specialists in ENT on this thread aren't we....unless of course you are mischief making.
Magsmay - I think anyone with a bit of common sense knows that you don`t take Oxymetazoline for more than a few days and I`m pretty sure that Sqad wasn`t implying that you should sniff that stuff up your nose longterm. That goes without saying.
mamy Me mischief making? -well not really - a member of my family nearly lost her little boy because she took notice of an on line ' doctor' on one of these net mummy forum things- she eventually did take him to E&A and he was within hours of going into a diabetic coma -he had not been diagnosed with diabetes he was only 2 years old and showed no classic clinical signs of the disease beforehand -so this distance diagnosis, even by a medical professional, sits a bit heavy with me and frankly is unethical. Joe Bloggs advising something medical on a forum may be taken with a pinch of salt but if someone says they are actually a medical Doctor, retired or otherwise, then their advice could taken more seriously. No I'm not an ENT consultant - I do have a degree though- a PsyD and QFP Stage2 but this obviously does not qualify me to give general medical advice and even if it did I wouldn't.
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Thank you guys for all your help. My daughter has been using the steam with a couple of drops of Olbas Oil and it seems to be doing the trick.

I understand your concern Mags.

Thank you Clanad for the tip about holding nose and swallowing, that also seems to have helped.

Mamyalynne, you really should not jump to conclusions, I don't think Mags was mischief making, just voicing her concern.

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