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Gut ache...

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orange-gnome | 12:31 Thu 30th Jun 2005 | Body & Soul
34 Answers
I really need a poo but just can't. I haven't been for a few days now and it is starting to hurt! Anyone got any good ideas to make yourself 'go' ??


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A big bowl of branflakes, although scarily mcdonalds also has the same effect. Get yourself a big mac!
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Thanks MIlly, being a veggie I will stick to the branflakes! : )
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Thats just the thing Andy, I eat lots of fruit and veg everyday!
Oh well wait and see I guess!

Dear orange-gnome - poor you.  Without being  crude, sometimes the poo forms a hard blockage and no amount of eating healthily will remove it.  Need to use a glycerine suppository or soapy water to break it up and then all should be fine.  Wish you well and go soon.

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Netibiza- Thank you for your good wishes. I don't get the soapy water bit though, am I being an idiot? But how on earth are you supposed to get it in there???

I really do sympathise with you orange-gnome! I know of two good options which have worked for me in the past:

  • Nip to your local supermarket & buy a bottle of Prune Juice. Drink a glass of it & I can guarantee it will work in no time.
  • Nip to your local chemist or supermarket & buy a bottle of Californian Syrup of Figs, take the required dose, then drink a glass of warm boiled water. This should also work in no time.

Now, if neither of these work for you, another alternative would be to pop into a hardware shop & buy a Stirrup Pump! Good luck!

P.S. Must be something to do with us being Leo's!

(Just read on another thread that you are a Leo like me)!

don't know which would be worst, a glycerine suppository or a big mac, either end.
Prune juice. Very helpful.
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Thanks Smudge, just nipped across the road and bought some prune juice and some branflakes, hopefully that should do the trick, just waiting for it to work now!
Yay, our birthdays are soon : )

Hope the juice works orange-gnome but I have to say that I find bran an irritant & it makes me feel bloated (irritable bowel).

Making a dentist appointment usually works like a dream for me!!

Hi orange-gnome hopefully you have been by now. But if all else has failed and you don't fancy the suppositries go to your local chemist and ask for Senna tablets.But only use them in emergencies.

orange-gnome.  You put the soapy water (warmish) into a squeezy bottle (like a washing up one) and gently pump the water into your bottom.  It feels strange, but will remove the blockage.  I did this once in a bed and breakfast place in Barcelona - had a hot bath all standing by and ready.  In 10 mins I was desperate to go, then found there was no loo in the bathroom - had to dash the full length of the corridor to a toilet.  In my desperation I was nude.  Once the urgency was over, I realised I had nothing to cover me, so after checking a million times I had to run back to the bathroom hoping that no one else had decided to use my bath.  All was OK but will never forget it.

Also once you've consumed your fruit etc, to ease the "transition" -  while sat on the loo put your feet on a upturned bowl or bucket - trust me it works everytime. A nurse told me my father when he had trouble in that department too.
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Hour and a half later..........nothing! Tried the bucket too thanks for that gucci.
I think it is time for desperate measures netibizas bottle job!!
I never said it was going to be pleasant - but the relief once it is all over with is immense.  You will feel brighter, your eyes will sparkle and you will have a spring in your step.  Eat prunes once in a while to keep the problem at bay.
ooooh, I don't like the sound of some things on this post! lol. If I've ever had trouble going I eat a packet of fig biscuits. (Though eating a packet of biscuits is no problem for me!!!).

There is some stuff called colpermin which is capsules of peppermint oil. Its sold to help with irritable bowel syndrome and relax the intestinal muscles, helping you to "go" if its difficult. If you are going to use bran, then make sure that you take loads of liquid. Insufficient liquid with it makes it go like cement and really doesn't help.

Gucci gal is dead right about raising your feet. You can't "push" properly if your feet aren't planted so as to be able to take weight.

The reason that I have this knowledge is that for many years I dealt with people who had hip replacements. For the first few weeks they have to be really careful about how far they bend the hip, so are often given contrivances to make their easy chair and toilet higher. They are also usually on pain relief, some common forms of which predispose to constipation, in order to ease it, they buy a bran breakfast cereal, but because it isn't so appetising when soggy they eat it with minimal milk......triple whammy!

Hi orange-gnome, how is it going or not as the case may be. When my kids were little the doc gave them lactulose which is milk sugar concentrated down. It takes a few hours to work but work it does. You can get it from the chemist.

If you don't fancy that then vegetarian cod liver oil, It is an alternative for vegetarians so has no cod liver oil in it!!! You can get in Holland and Barrett.

It is awful to feel so bloated, I am a sucker for advertising so I would probably give that yogurt that balances your insides a go. it certainly settles an upset tum!

Good Luck

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