cotton bud or a screwed up clean tissue. I can remember as a kid watching my dad scratch his ears with one of my mum's hair grips. It's a wonder he didn't do any permanent damage! Have you got any olive oil in the house. warm it a bit and drip it in your ear with some cotton wool. That should soften any build up of wax.
what's that stuff called you put in hot water, stick a towel over your head and take sever deeep breaths. or get in a steamy shower that will help clear your sinuses. Obias oil or something like that [got eucalyptus in it] I think.
Looks like stewey's holding a bottle of olive oil, all primed and ready. Just stick your head on the table with the most congested ear pointing upwards!
I've just googled it to check the spelling. It's called Olbas oil. You can sprinkle 2or 3 drops in some steamy water. Not too much otherwise you'll blow your head off. you can also put drops neat on your pillowcase when you go to bed. If you haven't got any get some down the chemist tomorrow [or should I say later today] it won't work miracles but will relieve some of your symptoms.