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one for the girls

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milly143 | 16:30 Fri 01st Jul 2005 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
When its that time of the month and your feeling a little bit miserable, what do you do as a little pick me up that doesn't involve eating anything remotely fatty? Feeling a bit crappy but I need to snap out of my mood before tonight.


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Hiya Milly... I find the best thing to pick me up before a nite out is poppin into town, buying a nice top or whatever. bit of lunch. then head home for the longest pampering session. bath, exfoliate, moisturise, hair all the really girly stuff we love and most of all UR FAV CD TO CHILL TO. i find mine is dane as the beat gives me a boost and puts me in a good mood!! i hope u feel better for tonight!!!! have a good nite!!!

Hi milly,

I make myself dance around the house and sing! No matter how much I don't want to do it within seconds I feel better and carry on for a good half an hour at least!
You can't dance and stay up-tight (toploader)
During your period a small amount of exercise does you good (Always- talking your bodies language) lol!!!

Hope you feel better later x x
have a great night
The thing that got me out of my really bad moods was taking oil of evening primrose EVERY day (not just during my period), Mr Spudqueen will tell you I'm much nicer now! Unfortunately it hasn't got rid of my cravings and today (being the first day of my period) I've scoffed a whole box of French Fancies. I never normally go out and buy cakes, just the one day every month!
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usually a bar of dairy milk does the trick but Im really trying to stick to my diet so that isnt an option.
A bottle of wine and a big bar of choc!
wonderful bath with scented goodies and a new book (glass of wine too)

Discounting chocolate...?!?!?!?! I shop... shoes and handbags... cheap ones if poss, but pretty, girly ones that look really nice rather than very sensible ones.


I also read loads - immerse yourself in a damn good novel, or better still, try writing yourself. I do it and it's amazing just how 'creative' one can be in a 'funny' mood.

I thank Mother Nature that she has given me the ability to bear children and see the pain and discomfort of menstruating as a reminder of this blessing...............

Not really, I usually reach for the wine and chocolate and get my hubby to massage my back. Hope your mood is passing:)

a bath, a book and a nice big glass of wine.  All at once!  Just take time out and relax by yourself.  It's a good excuse to get some alone time and it works!
lock yourself in you room, turn on music, and dance (or sing). Take the phone off the hook while your at it....

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one for the girls

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