I have a brown patch on the side of my face which is getting bigger. It's about the size of a 5p and feels rougher than my normal skin and I had (depressingly!) just thought it was an age spot but my hubby is insisting I get it checked out at the docs. Any ideas anyone?
The age spots I have on my hands are not rough at all, they are just different colour 'freckles' that are completely flat and the same texture as my skin.
I agree with your husband about getting your doc to take a look.
Always a sensible idea to get it checked out. Chances are it is due to age (sorry!), but get the doctors opinion before you start on the vanishing creams!
I have a small rough patch on my face but it's only slightly darker than my normal pale skin colour. The doc says it's a wart and he measured and recorded it for future reference should it change in any way.
I didn't think sun damage spots would be rough to the touch? I also didn't think they "grew"?
I've got little patches on my feet, where I burnt them really badly when I was younger, but they're just like little freckles (slightly bigger) and have not changed in size or texture for the past 15 years.
Had to go to docs today so had it checked out-he reckons it's a seborrheic wart. I could have it removed but I'm just going to leave it and just wear more slap to cover it :-)
Just wanted to mention that I had a facial seborrheic cyst removed after living with it for more than a decade. If I had known how simple was removal would have done it years sooner!