Anything To Knock in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Anything To Knock

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emmie | 07:49 Fri 05th Apr 2013 | Body & Soul
22 Answers
this cold on the head, feeling yuck, is there anything at all out there, apart from shed loads of alcohol that will stop this.
I have stopped in, taken paracetamol and water, wrapped up warm, no joy, i hate the cough more than anything as it keeps me awake.... any help, remedy most welcome.
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Have you tried the steaming water (With crystals maybe)?
07:50 Fri 05th Apr 2013
Have you tried the steaming water (With crystals maybe)?
You're doing all the right things. It just takes time, I think.
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nope, what is it exactly, bought from chemist?
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doing the right thing doesn't help, i can't get motivated to do the things i need to. I am trying to get rid before it takes a real hold like before.
so anything that has a rapid result would be good.
Well, just boil some water, pour it into a big bowl and stick your head over it with a towel over to stop the steam escaping. You can add menthol crystals and things which you'd probably get from Boots or similar.
It's obviously not a cure for anything but it might just make you feel a bit better.
Have you tried this? Good for clearing the head.

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menthol crystals that sounds good, if it helps will certainly give it a go, thank you.
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i have in the past, didn't help a lot. but thanks for advice
Em, Olbas Oil in steaming water makes a good breather-upper!
Sorry, cross posted. Well, that's that one off the list.
Probably easier to get hold of Olbas in the shops too.
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will give it a go.
OH had something similar a while ago and I got some Beechams All In One for him. Quite expensive I thought, but it did seem to help with the cough etc. It won't cure it obviously, but it will give you some relief. X
Don't want to depress you em10, but mine lasted 6 weeks and I've still got a cough. I took every 'over the counter' product there was all to no avail, although Otrivine did help to relieve the 'bunged up' temporarily. GP said the cough could last up to 3 months.
wrap up and get out in the fresh air that will do you more good than being stuck indoors with the heating on...
Also, Vix Vaporub. It might be old skool but I can't get enough of the stuff when I feel like that.
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dollie, no heating on, its ok, but remembering the last serious bout was over 7 weeks long, so if i can help it, want to get rid of it soonest.
ta for the advice,
Probably too late now but write this down for future reference; on the offset of a cold, mix 1 tbsp of honey to 1tsp of cinnamon and eat. Do every day until it goes (should go in 3 days). Whenever you're feeling cold and shivery have a warm bath with dried mustard in it then go to bed with a mug of milk with the cinnamon and honey. Taking royal jelly capsules over winter keeps colds at bay.
No I'm not promoting honey I just know it's a natural remedy.
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thanks for the advice, i have to admit that i absolutely hate honey, i have given it my best shot, but only got to smell it and i am away with the fairies, pretty much like now. Perhaps if it's mixed with these other things it might be ok. don't drink milk, i am a lost cause x lol

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