I had a really bad fall on a moving tram 10 days ago(don't ask,lol) and really whacked my shin very badly. next day it was black and blue, bruise the size of a saucer, and whole foot was black as well. Could not even touch the centre of bruise without almost screaming in pain, but could walk absolutely fine. Could not knrrel down and put weight on shin at all though. Went to doctor for separate thing and decided to show her bruise as it was still so painful, she said it looked so bruised she would have said it was fractured had I not said that i could bear weight on it with no problem. Said to keep an eye on for the next week. Bruise is fading,just,but centre is rock hard and absolute agony, even if I just brush it.
Is it poss I have just chipped a bone, and if so would they just leave it?
Anything is possible in the romantic world of medicine.....but in your case....naaah!
Likeliest scenario is a sub periosteal haematoma (Bruising under the bone lining.............no big deal........it will resolve in about 10 days to a fortnight.