I have one of those stupid glands that have come up in your throat, the ones that you can push and moves away but 2 minuutes later its back, bruffen is not working, how do I get rid of the bloody thing without surgery, or slitting my throat. ta x
Ok, when you take a pulse in the throat, ah crap its between to pipes about 11/2 inch from the center of the jaw, just underneath, it is a gland on right, frigging driving me nuts.
Sqad will give his expert opinion but I'd have thought your gland was swollen as you are fighting some kind of infection. Do you feel OK ,have you had a cold?
Ah! got you now.....;-)
Well it is either a lymph or a salivary gland.
If it is a salivary gland it will become swollen when you eat and then go down afterwards. This is due to a stone blocking the duct and the stone can be removed quite easily....no big deal.
Now if it doesn't have the above features, then it is a lymph gland and maybe quite innocent, but my advice is to go and see your GP for confirmation.