Normal Healing, Sqad? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Normal Healing, Sqad?

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gness | 12:27 Thu 06th Jun 2013 | Body & Soul
40 Answers
Afternoon Sqad....The leg I damaged when I fell down the steps three months ago is showing no signs of healing. The pain is worse than at the beginning and over a wider area including under my heel. There was no heel pain for the first month or so. The heel pain is worse after rest.
I was told it would take a long time to get better and the lump may remain but should the pain be lessening by now or am I just being impatient?
I thought it had been deglazed...think the word used was debrided...is that correct?
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gness........I really don't know how to start this answer.......as your medical history and treatment, in my opinion has been unsatisfactory.

However...if you have a reduce blood supply to that leg, then, yes it will take time, but 3 months is a long time. i have no idea what treatment has been available to you for it's healing.

Yes "debridement" is the right word.

Someone with medical knowledge should take a look at the wound.
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The leg was x-rayed, Sqad. The two people who have looked at it have said it's not bad enough to be...cut and the blood released...I think. One said up to eight months and one a year to heal as much as it is going to.
I can accept that....would just like to see some signs of healing or at least less pain....I have truly taken more Ibuprofen in the past three months than in the whole of my life!
Maybe another GP visit....if I thought it would help?
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ps....No advice on how to treat or care for it given...x
Ah!....so the skin has healed, but the lump is still there....is that it?
Hi gness. If any help, my sister hurt her shin falling over. After two weeks of no improvement, she had it x-rayed. No break, but haematoma under skin. She had been advised to rest and elevate it as much as possible and cold compress. Has now been another two weeks and there is some improvement. She was told they would operate if no improvement after 6 weeks.
sounds similar? Hope it helps.
Hers also spread to a wider area first
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Sqad....The skin never broke enough to bleed very much. It was a long deep rub on the door frame....from front of foot to knee. The bottom of my leg has a red ring around it, almost like the mark from too tight socks, with a centre dimple. The leg where it meets the foot looks bent and my inner ankle points slightly down. There is a fairly large and sore lump on the front of my leg, above the foot, where the pain was initially concentrated...it is now tingling up to my knee and when I walk it feels as if all the flesh from knee to ankle is being dragged downwards. Best explanation I can give and I appreciate it is difficult for you when you can't see it or press til I squeal.
Thanks Pixie...helps to know hers spread too....that was puzzling me.

apparently, that's how the blood under the skin disperses. Sorry to butt in when you're speaking to sqad. It just sounds so similar to what happened to my sister. It seemed to take ages, but has healed naturally.
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Oh..you are not butting in Pixie....I love to walk and am digging up a garden ..all advice is really appreciated so I can get back to normal...if that's a good thing...x
Hi gness - I am like you quite accident prone - but have hurt most of my body over the years - 3 broken arms one broken ankle and fell onto a steel chair where I hurt my side. Now when I get stressed/anxious - I find these pains come back to haunt me and I do believe my doctor when he said "when you hurt something it really never goes away" - the pain will subside but take it from me gness - it does really take far more time than you think - think of 9-12 months and the pain will be "comfortable".
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Thanks Conn...luckily I don't get stressed or anxious so I'm lucky there! Just impatient....9-12 months? Blimey...I should have got pregnant instead. ;-) x
Gness - why don't you let Sqad interfere with you hahhaha
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We do have a date.......to be decided...... to drink Guinness together, Conn. ;-) x
why don't you take Sir Alec with you and make it a threesome.
Yepp! I have got it....a persistent subperiosteal haematoma.

It will take time to settle....pain will settle.....but the lump may persist.

Someone needs to feel it.........but i fear that nothing should or will be done.
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Sqad...thank you..in that case I will find someone nice to feel it...if nothing is to be done I may as well enjoy...:-(

Thank you for your help...Gx
OK I give in ...a 3some..you, conne and myself.........prepare for the sensation of your lives....
humph, you can go off some people :-)

jeez, gness, you don't have do yourself some damage girl!
Hope you get better sooner rather than later xxx
have? half!
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Sensation!!! One of my favourite words....I'm in! Will you have time to look at my leg.... ;-) x

Hi Alba...don't understand why I'm getting worse as I get older...wait til I have the scooter!...........xx

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