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Am I Normal Or Not?

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Swiper | 22:27 Wed 26th Jun 2013 | Body & Soul
45 Answers
Ok I think I already know what most of you are going to say, but I need to know what other people think. I don't think I am normal, I don't think I have any real feelings. I hate people! I hate other people so much. I hate having to interact with anyone else. I love my husband, my daughter, my mum and my nana and that's it, I don't really like my dad, brother, cousins etc. I don't understand why people go all gooey over other peoples babies. I look at other people's kids and don't see anything. I don't think they are cute or adorable. I can't look people in the eye. I hate eye contact. I hate people standing too close to me. If I can stretch out my arms and touch you, then you are too close to me. I don't care if people are dying in Africa, I don't want to donate to charity. I don't want to talk to other people. I'm only 28 but I have been like this for years. I'm surprised I found someone to love and someone who loves me. My husband is social and understands me, but I feel like a let down, I never go anywhere with my husband and daughter and I know that he would love to take me to a restaurant but the thought disgusts me. I'm not sure if I will even look back to see what people write as I'm sure it will be a tirade of abuse rather than helpful answers.


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I think there are more people like in the world than you would imagine I'm not very social I have my group of friends not too many don't like big groups of people. Don't greet me with hugs and kisses my friends know that. Don't stand close to me in a queue or I will accidently step back and stamp your foot. I won't use a public toilet and can ignore beggars and street...
05:04 Thu 27th Jun 2013
Jeza - I was only trying to lighten things up for Swiper. cupid04 names my foster cats for me. Odessa sounds good :-)
Yep Jeza. I ignore the phone sometimes too.
It's who I am. I don't like to be on demand.
I had a cat called Stephen once Wharton.
Stephen sounds sophisticated MJJ :-)
He was Cat Stephen Wharton. I know. Pathetic, but it was brilliant calling him in. STEVE!
Love it MJJ :-)
I think there are more people like in the world than you would imagine I'm not very social I have my group of friends not too many don't like big groups of people. Don't greet me with hugs and kisses my friends know that. Don't stand close to me in a queue or I will accidently step back and stamp your foot. I won't use a public toilet and can ignore beggars and street kids without any feelings of guilt.
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I'm literally in tears now, I don't know what to say. I think that the only thing I need to really get out there is that my 2 cats are called Lord whiskerton and lady fluffington and I think that makes me slightly more insane.
Blimey I thought I was nuts calling my cat Winston.
As Jean-Paul Sartre put so succinctly: Hell is other people.

Similar to Brinjal in a way, can and will be sociable when required but don't do all the fawning over babies etc and hate seeing a drama made out of a minor crisis.
Don't stand too close or crowd me and don't dawdle in front of me: Lead, follow or get out of the way.
I can watch a charity appeal with dying children and not blink an eyelid, as most should not have been brought into such famine, desolation and poverty anyway but hate seeing the ones of abused/trapped animals. Those that do so make my blood boil.

You're not alone Swiper so don't beat yourself up about it.
Dry your eyes, there is help out there. But only you can make the first move
to helping yourself. Please seek help soon because the longer you leave it the more difficult it will become. Do you really dislike people or are you a little self-conscious. There is nothing wrong with that, it takes all sorts to make a world.Have you ever thought of getting some voluntary work in a shop perhaps. Also is there any chance of making peace with your dad and brother. Sorry, I'm a bit of a rambler but hope some of my advice helps.xx
No, those cats' names are perfectly sane choices. Sorry. Were you hoping to be thought mad? The insanity bar on here is much higher than that!
You seem normal enough to me. Everyone is different. The only thing that intrigues me is why you would find going to a restaurant disgusting. Is it because you wouldn't like eating food made by someone else or...?
I don't eat out either. Two reasons, I once saw a waitress leave the loo without washing her hands and go straight back to serving. Second reason Mic is now unable to go out even if we wanted to.
I also preferred my cat to family/friends or any human being. I also prefer to interact with people on sites like this rather than deal with "real" people.
So Swiper, yes I think you are normal.
I know what you mean, Jeza.
I know Jeza what you mean too - but had to get over it - once saw a chef scratching his henry-halls then went onto serve - I walked out of the restaurant right away. Took a long time for me to dine again.
Jeza, I also hate eating out, all those people handling the food puts me off, I wouldn't order a pizza delivery either but I would buy out of a chipper as I can see what's happening.
//Am I Normal Or Not?// No, what you describe is not not 'normal', you should accept that fact and start to do something about redressing the situation, perhaps your post is a first step in the right direction. If you 'hate people', then it follows you should be hating everyone on here, so asking us for an answer might be a start .
The main question I would ask you is, are you feeling particularly depressed at the moment, or is this feeling continual without release?.
Khandro. It is far easier to talk and interact on a website. Real life is a lot different.

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