Sqad..please Be Around Soon. in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Sqad..please Be Around Soon.

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gness | 10:24 Thu 14th Nov 2013 | Body & Soul
44 Answers
I rarely last long on a serious thread...☺

I had tests at Peterborough yesterday...what a different hospital.

My legs are fine as is the right artery, just a very slight narrowing but nothing of concern.

The left artery, just below where it joins the aorta, shows narrowing....quite severe is what I was told. I suppose this is what was seen in Kettering that wasn't acted upon as it is the same spot.

I know I have to wait for the consultation for definite results but the radiologist did say that in cases like this angioplasty is used.

I guess this will restore full blood flow to my leg and improve my walking..
...to what it was before?

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have you got one hospital for each leg? You sound like a great consumer of resources
Take 600mg Ibuprofen and monitor the situation........

Thinking of your legs!
Question Author
Rarely use NHS resources, jno.....just needed to find a consultant who actually looked at and acted upon test results.
Gness, I'm sorry to hear about this. I know nothing about angioplasty but wish you well, if you have to go down that route.

Looking forward to marching around Rutland with you again.
Not Squad, but I had this procedure 3 years ago Gness, I was able to see it on a screen. They went up to the heart through a vein in the groin.
Uncomfy, but not agony. The little stent stretches the artery allowing blood to flow properly.
Thanks for the feedback....at last a confirmation of what we already knew.
The post of ferlew is very appropriate.

Feedback much appreciated.
LOL......just read ferlew's post again.........sorry it has nothing whatsoever to do with your case except the angioplasty will be done through an artery in the groin.
Will that restore good blood flow to the legs Sqad?
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Sqad....yes at last. Just wish things had moved a bit quicker a year ago... thanks for all your input...and if fact for telling me what was wrong in the first place....x

Tilly..thanks...you have now idea how much I miss marching around Rutland as I used to.....let's hope I'm fit for the spring arrivals....☺

Ferlew.....did it return your walking to what it was before? All well with Mr Ferlew?...x
'Cause I wouldn't want her to be able to run too fast.......
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Morning, Shoota...x

Sqad...I don't mind where they go and what they do...as long as I can walk, dance and chase Shoota.....☺

I have mentioned above that the condition for which ferlew had her procedure was different to yours and for a different reason.

You will be offered various procedures by the surgeon.....my advice.....opt for the angioplasty.

Shoota, much as I wish gness all the best, I do bear in mind there's a few of us will have to up our pace a bit if she regains top speed!
Indeed Balduck, worrying isn't it?
Think I'll book a couple of these de-coke jobs for myself.....
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Baldric and Shoota....bear in mind I now have backup in the form of an electric bike....☻

Sqad...thanks...I will. I know little but feel this is the right procedure for me.

"We're doomed I tell ya, doomed!"
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Ahhh....relax and enjoy the doom.....x

Oh, ok then, never thought of that!
We'll get one of these Buddy - you can drive:

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