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Long Term Partner Moved On And Its Heartbreaking!

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lsharp | 21:02 Thu 14th Nov 2013 | Body & Soul
24 Answers
Hi, i recently split with my children's dad of 7 years back in february, we both still lived together and did what couples do, meals, days out etc but never slept in same bed or anything like that. Come end of october he tells me he likes our neighbour who lives directly opposite me, he messaged her on Facebook asking to go for a drink- i had no right to say no as we wasn't together that evening the girl came over and asked permission! I told her i still love him, the kids r our priority etc and really poured my heart out to her, next day they go for a drink and seeing them get into car together really upset me making me realise i still loved him so much and wanted him back, so i told him how i feel and since then he has moved out permently, seen the girl every day. Slept with her, only talks to me about the kids and told me some nasty things such as in moving on and i don't love u no more. I still have to see him because of the children but nothing is said only about kids. I am literally in pieces, he has changed since being with her, introduced her to his parents and wants our children near her! He said he was over me months ago but if this was the case why was he still trying to kiss me, cuddle, taking us out etc. IM really lost and confused. He says he wont help me out or talk to me because it wont help me move on but then tells me when i meet someone else he will be heartbroken! The hardest thing is knowing he is sleeping with her it makes me sick, what do i do? Its been 4 weeks now and he is in "love" with her, couldn't give a Sugar about me and its as if she has brainwashed him! I need advice as in pulling my hair out and trying to hold it together for our kids who r 4 and 20 months
thanks for taking time to read xxx


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Sqad - "Sympathy, but that is all anybody can give you."

What about moral support?
What is "moral support?" Telling you what you want to hear? Telling you how brave you are?


I am all for moral support, but it must be meaningful and relevant and that can only be given by people who are physically close to you.....not cyber support.

andy...that is just my opinion and you answers are always full and well received.

Mine are quite the opposite ;-) but they still reflect my opinion...for what it is worth.
Sqad - I take your point, but consolation from complete strangers who listen in a non-judgemental way is the entire ethos and foundation behind The Samaritans.

Chad Varrah, a vicar offered counselling to his parishioners, only to discover that the waiting people were talking to his volunteers in the waiting room waiting to see him, and in that time, had received the support they needed.

Move that forward to our modern age and cyber support is every bit as valid and vital, so I have to disagree.

As a Samartian volunteer of three years' experience, and also a psyshiatric in-patient for three months, I do speak from experience.
OK andy....that is good enough for me.

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