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Purple_Popple | 01:04 Sun 22nd Dec 2013 | Body & Soul
58 Answers
Why do men only want hook with no strings...does no one want a relationship anymore ? Im baffled...


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Personally I wouldn't want a woman that made sex so easily available, if I wanted a slapper I would look for slapper but that really would not be my cup of tea. I like a woman with a little self respect. I certainly wouldn't expect sex for the first few dates.
08:53 Sun 22nd Dec 2013
They don't, in my experience.
Because there are plenty of women around who will give exactly that.
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I've attracted 4 men recently ...well over the past 2 months, and all the same, expecting 'sexting' etc..dirty talk, chat real dates....other than short notice 'lets go to your place' etc etc and no 'real' dates as such...can they not be bothered anymore....when it's so readily available elsewhere..if you dont come up with the 'goods' you are boring or frigid...yawn.
Must be meeting the wrong men, I'm afraid.
What age group?
Ridiculous stereotyping.
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this is is SJ, it's so readily available...
Tell them to bog off - you`re worth more than that.
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35-45 age group Ummmm
Perhaps it's just about meeting the right person. If they get emotionally attached, it can turn into a relationship.
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This is it SJ i say this but that is all i seem to who want 'friends with benefits' it seems rife...yes I am worth more than that.
Where are you meeting these men?
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Guys just aren't interest in 'dating' these days it seems, or meeting for a meal or a drink appears to be 'old hat'
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work, out and about...
like I said, where are you meeting them?
Sorry, crossed posts.

I don`t know if you are internet dating but I do think that fosters a kid in the sweetie shop sort of mentality. They don`t have to do any work to attract someone apart from a photo (probably taken years ago when they had their own teeth and hair) and a few over-exaggerated descriptions of their attributes. They think a couple of texts and half a dozen emails will get them everywhere and if you won`t play the game then they will move on to the next face on the page. I have heard some horror stories from friends who have done internet dating (male and female) and there are a lot of time wasters but it`s no loss to you if you give them a wide berth.
Do you think they're getting the impression that that is what you want, somehow?
from where I sit, there seem to be as many men marrying as women. Bad luck if you're not finding the right ones, but that's a problem right from teenage years; you just have to keep looking. Four isn't a huge sample.
*from where I sit, there seem to be as many men marrying as women.*

Nice way of putting it, jno.

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