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Been Really Really Bad...

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pussnboots | 22:13 Sun 02nd Feb 2014 | Body & Soul
51 Answers
since last Tuesday. Started off with the usual tickly cough, sneezing etc. I have not been able to sleep due to cough. Anyway what is worrying me now is that I have some bad nose bleeds today, they just come on suddenly, last for 5 - 10 mins, the blood is really bright red, yesterday it was just from one nostril, now it's both, anyone able to tell me I'm not dying.


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Yes I feel awful anne but I now have my pjs on and a large 13 tog quilt wrapped around me, as bad as I feel I do not want to got out into the cold dark night, tomorrow will be just fine, thanks for your kind thought tho.
please see gp tomorrow, if possible drink plenty fluids, take pain killers. bruffen . would you be able to sleep with extra pillows just in case you have a nose bleed during the night. poor thing ( geez oh I hope no one thinks im stepping on sqads toes ) :)
This is not a big deal and is common with upper respiratory tract infections.
I am slightly confused as to the significance of the colour of the blood in nose's red isn't it?

Give it 24hours, as it might just stop,but if it doesn't, then go to A&E

A&E for a cold and a nosebleed?

I think they would laugh.
Hoppy......I only suggested A&E as in my experience GP's do not have the expertise OR equipment in the UK to deal with nose bleeds, hence if cautery was needed, then A&E would call upon the ENT junior on call to come and deal with it.
id think gp before A&E,
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I had a really crappy night last night. Woke up at about 2am with a massive nose bleed, all over the bed, pjs, dressing gown, finally got back to sleep sat up and slept till 10am. This morning had a shower and washed my hair and did a lot of googling about nose bleeds. I felt slightly better because every site seems to say it's not a big problem and very common during a heavy cold. Anyway after 3 loads of washing I thought I was over the worst then wham another bleed, that was about 2pm, not had one since. I have not been to gp (what can they do?) I have not been to A & E yet!! I have taken on board all your good advice and if there is no improvement tomorrow then I am now at a point were help is needed.
Would it be worth ringing the NHS 111 service puss? Saves going to A&E and easier to chat to someone rather than trying to get an appointment with GP.

Either way I hope you have a better night tonight and a good sleep.
Imo, 111 just google it anyway. Have never found them any help. Just keep an eye on it and see how you go, puss. Hopefully it's calming down. If it,starts and you feel dizzy, breathless or can't stop it after 20 mins, get some help.
To explain my post to sqad - we had a resident with nosebleed admitted to hospital a few years ago. They said the only reason they were worried was that the blood was dark- so coming from further down than just nose trauma. It turned out to be coming from her stomach. But that is a different case to yours, puss, and i don't want to panic you unnecessarily.
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NHS 111 has been recommended, not used them before, are they any good?
I haven't used 111 either puss, thankfully no need. But it might be worth a try. If they are useless you've not lost anything.
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pixie373, I take on board all your good advice, thanks.
you should have seen your gp today me dear :(
You're welcome. You have nothing to lose by giving them a call. Let them tick their boxes;-)
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Woke up at 4am with another massive bleed, and I mean massive. I was very frightened, managed to get to bathroom and nearly filled the sink. Anyway mrpuss wanted to drive me to A & E but I needed help asap so he ring 999, 2 very nice paramedics came to my assistance and couldn't stop the blood, so off I went to A & E. had both nostrils cauterized by a lovely doctor. I feel very relieved now, inside my nose is burning but he gave me some stuff to use 3 times a day. I hope that's the end of it.
puss.......GP and 111 are useless for nosebleeds as i explained in my post.....111 are useless for most things......but Politically "enchanting".

For cauuterising a nose, one needs a source of light, a head mirror, expertise, local anesthesia and the GP will have NONE of these.

A&E was a sensible move.
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Yes sqad the doc had all the equipment, head light, mirror and gave me a nasal anesthetic, the cauterising things were like a long stick with something on the end, a bit like a long match stick.
puss...the "thing on the end " was silver nitrate."
did the doctor say what has caused your nose bleeds?
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No he didn't really say, but I told him I had a streaming cold he just nodded.

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