Lots of muscle pain which disappears when the statins are stopped. This happened 3 times to me, using a different statin each time - now found one which works and has no side effects. My cholesterol has come right down.
Not entirely happy with proposals which amount to mass medicalisation of the general public, unless the known side effects are minimal,and I do not think that statins fall into that category.
I did try statins and my legs became very swollen. I have been given a different one to try but can't summon up the courage to start the course.
I'm never sure that "one size fits all" and my gut instinct tells me to stay away from them.....I could be wrong and live.....or die....to regret my decision but I trust my instinct more than I trust the doctor who wants me to take them.
There are various common side effects like aching muscles and cold-like symptoms. We simply don't know the long term effects of taking them. Personally, I prefer to keep my lipids in check by taking fish oils. We've been eating fish for millions of years and they seem to be mostly harmless.
Hi, Fusion...in my teens I developed a duodenal ulcer which did heal and I've had no problem at all for many years now until I took the first course of statins despite having to take Omeprazole at the same time.
I could feel the same symptoms developing again...quite badly.. and that is another reason I don't want to take pills.