had one a month ago, head and body scan, would it show up any nasal problems, The reason is for a long time i have had the same redness between the eyebrows, its tender and pain in the nose, several lumps in the nasal cavities, tried nasal sprays and several courses of doxyclyin, but nothing works. Pain at back of both ears, which also hasn't gone. A week ago a large lump appeared outside of my nose, not a pimple more a blood spot, and the left side under the skin bit looks very red, not to mention sunken eye sockets, the doctor has given me a different spray and tablets.
though i have to use the spray after finishing the course of tablets, so in a day or two.
lumps, like spots i suppose i can't see them, but can feel them,
blow my nose so often but i don't have a cold. and tenderness across the bridge of the nose
You can get a pain across the bridge of the nose and other symptoms from sinus problems. I`m not sure MRI is any good - that shows the soft tissues but you can get a sinus x-ray.
I don`t think it would. If you have sinus or ear problems (blocked eustachian tubes) you can get the pain in really strange places - up the back of the neck/side of the neck and all over the head. There is nothing visible from the outside and I don`t think the redness between your eyebrows or the blood spot is relevant. I have had an x-ray on my sinuses which diagnosed a problem which I had fixed. I`m not an expert but that is just what I think.
thank you, what are the lumps, polyps? as can't seem to shake them off for love nor money. I have sprays but they seem to make mucus block the nasal area, the redness looks like i have had a go with the makeup blusher
I agree with sqad that a scan of the head will show up problems in the nasal area - OH had one before he had delicate surgery on his sinuses some years back, you could clearly see the problems in his skull. (We found the scans down the back of the filing cabinet last week!)
what are the lumps in the nasal cavity, the one outside has almost but not quite gone, but there are at least two i can feel inside and think there is a third further up.
I went with a friend to see a consultant on Tuesday, he said how would arrange an MRI scan for her and he jokingly said - you haven't got any metal your body have you- she replied no. I have 17 teeth implants does this mean should I need one I would not be able to have the scan ? I could not ask at the time as the appt was not for me.
me neither, face feels tight like having bad plastic surgery, if an infection which is still possible why don't the meds help. I now have nasonex to try in a couple of day, after finished the tablets.