My brother is currently in hospital with an awful lot of stones. He's sure to have his gall bladder removed. We got on the subject of drinking, he currently enjoyes several lagers but now has been told to stay off the lager. What alternative is there, we thought of guiness etc., does anyone have experience of this change of habits please? Any sensible suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Cristo, some years ago my brother was told he had a duodenal ulcer (sorry if the spelling is incorrect). He also liked a few pints of lager but was also told to lay off it. He now drinks guiness bitter, or just bitter and he is fine.
Hi Cristo. Years ago my doctor told me I need to stop drinking for a month at least to cure a problem in my blood associated with lager drinking. I did this and the problem cleared up. I now drink 'heavy' ( you might call it 'bitter'} and have been okay since. I believe there are enzyms in lager which can cause liver damage to some suseptible people.